Randall and Hopkirk

Watch Randall and Hopkirk

  • Not Rated
  • 1969
  • 1 Season
  • 7.7  (1,476)

Randall and Hopkirk is a classic British television series that originally aired from 1969 to 1970 on ITV, showcasing a unique blend of mystery, comedy, and the supernatural. Set in London, the show follows the fascinating adventures of two private investigators, Jeff Randall and his partner Marty Hopkirk. Played by Mike Pratt and Kenneth Cope respectively, these two characters form a dynamic duo that captures the attention of viewers through their compelling partnership and intriguing cases.

Jeff Randall is a tough and street-smart investigator, known for his no-nonsense attitude and relentless pursuit of justice. He embodies the archetypal private eye, often putting himself in dangerous situations to uncover the truth. Randall is impressive in his resourcefulness, using both his charm and wit to navigate these challenges. His personality contrasts sharply with that of his partner, Marty Hopkirk, who, despite being recently deceased, remains loyal to Jeff both as a friend and as a spirit who’s bound to help him solve crimes. Kenneth Cope's portrayal of Marty adds a whimsical element to the series—his ghostly presence often leads to hilarious misadventures as he tries to assist Jeff with his investigations.

Marty's ghostly status presents a unique twist on the traditional detective format, allowing the show to blend the realms of the living and the dead in ways that are both entertaining and unexpected. His character often provides comic relief in tense situations, making the series accessible and enjoyable for a wide audience. The dynamic between Jeff and Marty is central to the show's charm, as they navigate their cases with a blend of humor, camaraderie, and occasional frustration stemming from their unique circumstances.

The third key character in the series is Jeannie Hopkirk, played by Annette Andre. As Marty's widow, Jeannie often finds herself entangled in the cases her husband and Randell investigate. She serves as a crucial link to both the mundane world and the supernatural, contributing her own expertise and insights into their adventures. Jeannie’s character adds depth to the storyline, as she navigates her feelings of loss while also being an integral part of the team.

Each episode of Randall and Hopkirk features a standalone mystery, drawing the audience into a variety of intriguing and often bizarre scenarios. The show reflects the social and cultural fabric of the late 1960s in Britain, offering both humor and suspense as the characters tackle crimes that range from theft to murder. The partnership between Randall and Hopkirk is a testament to friendship and loyalty, even beyond the grave, which resonates with viewers and adds emotional weight to the narratives.

Visually, the series is notable for its stylish cinematography, incorporating elements common in crime dramas of the era. The urban landscapes of London serve as a rich backdrop for the investigations, with various locations enhancing the atmosphere of mystery. The show's production also features a distinctive theme tune that has become synonymous with its identity, combining a catchy melody with a sense of intrigue.

Randall and Hopkirk remains memorable for its clever writing and the chemistry between its lead actors. The show showcases a balance of supernatural elements and traditional detective work, inviting viewers to suspend disbelief and engage with the storyline. The comedic undertones balance the more serious themes of loss and justice, allowing for a multifaceted viewing experience.

Despite the passage of time since its original airing, Randall and Hopkirk has retained a loyal fanbase, and it has influenced subsequent generations of television shows. Its mixture of humor, mystery, and the supernatural continues to resonate with both longtime fans and new viewers who discover the series. The show’s innovative concept of a ghostly partner has inspired other media, demonstrating its significant impact on the genre of detective storytelling.

In conclusion, Randall and Hopkirk is more than just a detective series; it is a heartfelt exploration of friendship, loss, and the unyielding quest for truth. Through captivating writing, engaging performances, and a unique premise, the series stands as a beloved piece of television history, offering a delightful mix of humor and mystery that remains relevant and entertaining decades after its debut. Whether one is drawn to the comedic antics of a ghostly investigator or the thrill of solving crimes, Randall and Hopkirk promises an unforgettable journey into the world of deduction and the supernatural, appealing to audiences of all ages.

Randall and Hopkirk is a series that is currently running and has 1 seasons (26 episodes). The series first aired on September 21, 1969.

Randall and Hopkirk
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The House on Haunted Hill
26. The House on Haunted Hill
November 16, 1969
Jeff is asked to investigate whether Merston Manor, a house which is impossible to sell, is really haunted after two previous psychics were scared off. He is looking into a jewel theft and sends Marty to the manor instead. Marty initially believes the ghostly sounds to be genuine but they are actually being made by the jewel thieves who are using the house as their den and want to scare off visitors. The gang capture Jeff and Jenny, Jeannie's sister but Marty comes to their rescue by appearing to one of the psychics previously frightened off, who summons help.
Murder Ain't What It Used to Be
25. Murder Ain't What It Used to Be
November 2, 1969
Ageing mobster Paul Kirstner hires Jeff to act as bodyguard to his daughter. He is followed into town by the vengeful ghost of Bugsy Spanio, another gangster, whom he killed years earlier and now wants revenge. Bugsy leans on Marty, threatening to harm Jeannie if he does not help him. However, Marty overcomes Bugsy in a fight and Kirstner is eventually disposed of by an earthly rival, allowing Bugsy to rest in peace.
Somebody Just Walked Over My Grave
24. Somebody Just Walked Over My Grave
January 9, 1970
Marty claims that his grave is being desecrated, and Jeff discovers a plan to kidnap the heir to a fortune.
Just for The Record
23. Just for The Record
October 26, 1969
Jeff is acting as a bodyguard to a beauty queen , Anne Soames, who wants to visit the Public Records Office. An intrigued Marty watches as she uses a special pair of glasses to cut the alarm and later a file is stolen by a man named Pargiter. When Jeff pursues him,Pargiter explains that the stolen document reveals him to be the rightful king of England - with his two heavies as noble lords. He condemns Jeff as a heretic, tying him up along with Anne, who has outlived her usefulness, and leaving them to die in a burning building. However, Marty sets off the fire alarm,...
The Smile Behind The Veil
22. The Smile Behind The Veil
March 13, 1970
At the funeral of his friend Caroline Seaton, Marty observes her brother Donald and his wife Cynthia, who seems to be smiling, and he deduces that they have killed Caroline. Jeff is reluctant to investigate so Marty tricks him into visiting the Seaton home, where an attempt is made to kill him. Due to Marty's intervention, he is saved by the real Donald Seaton, who has returned from Australia to find an impostor has taken his name, married his ex-wife - Cynthia - and killed both his father and Caroline for the Seaton estate. The killers throw Jeff down a well but ...
The Ghost Talks
21. The Ghost Talks
February 6, 1970
Jeff has fallen from a balcony in the line of duty and is in hospital with a broken leg. He is thus a captive audience when Marty comes to visit and regales him with the details of a big case he handled whilst he was alive and Jeff was in Scotland. He was asked by MI5 head Sir Basil Duggan to steal documents from a safe but discovered that 'Sir Basil' was actually a traitor called Brenan, whom he managed to apprehend before he could leave the country. After Marty has gone Jeannie comes in and offers to tell Jeff the same story.
When Did you Stop Seeing Things?
20. When Did you Stop Seeing Things?
November 23, 1969
Marty is confused when Jeff fails to acknowledge him and even more so when he sees Jeff kill Tully, an employee of the Towler Corporation, whose stock market leaks Jeff has been investigating. In fact it is not Jeff but an actor in a mask made to resemble him and in the pay of Laker, the Towler Corporation's general manager, out to make a killing in the market from the information supplied by the real Jeff, who will be disposed of when he has no further purpose. Laker ends up in a room with both Jeffs and about to shoot one. Fortunately Marty hypnotises Sir Oliver, ...
The Man From Nowhere
19. The Man From Nowhere
December 28, 1969
Jeannie is approached by a man who claims to be the reincarnation of Marty. He is very convincing and she is eventually taken in - unlike the real Marty. The impostor takes her to a hotel in the Cotswolds where the Hopkirks spent their honeymoon - shadowed by Marty and Jeff - and two other men. It transpires that the trio are robbers who buried their loot in the vicinity but had a car smash involving the Hopkirks. The false Marty lost his memory in the prang and is hoping that Jeannie can lead him to the spoils. Fortunately the real Marty - and Jeff - intervene, with ...
Money to Burn
18. Money to Burn
January 30, 1970
A dubious old friend of Jeff, Kevin O'Malley, suggests to the cash-strapped detective that they steal old bank notes being taken on a lorry to be incinerated. The money is stolen but neither Kevin nor Jeff have got it and Jeff gets arrested as the chief suspect. The actual thieves are two women who perform a stage act. They plan to fly the money out to France but Marty uses his skills to ensure that their plane lands exactly where the police are waiting to arrest them.
Could You Recognise The Man Again?
17. Could You Recognise The Man Again?
January 16, 1970
Jeff recognises racketeer George Roden as being the man who killed rival gangster Jennings and Roden is duly arrested. However his mother has Jeannie abducted as a security against Jeff testifying when her son appears in court. Marty uses his telepathy to locate where Jean is being held and she is saved just in time for her and Jeff to make a dash to the courtroom and see that Roden is punished.
Whoever Heard of A Ghost Dying?
16. Whoever Heard of A Ghost Dying?
November 9, 1969
A villain called Hellingworth uses medium Cecil Purley to prove that Marty is indeed a ghost and,posing as an insurance salesman, approaches Jeff for alleged help with robberies in the knowledge that Marty will eavesdrop on the gang and report back to Jeff. This happens but Marty is being used purely as a decoy whilst the gang rob other venues. Eventually Hellingworth decides to get rid of Marty and calls Purley in to exorcise him. For once it is Jeff rushing against time to save Marty rather than the reverse.
Vendetta for A Dead Man
15. Vendetta for A Dead Man
February 27, 1970
On the anniversary of his capture by the then flesh and blood Marty Hopkirk, violent criminal Eric Jansen escapes, swearing vengeance. Having discovered that Marty is now dead, he proposes to kill Jeannie as the next best thing. Jeannie is dating a man called Emil and hopes they can marry, although she is unaware that he already has a wife. Jansen catches up with them and abducts Jeannie, hotly pursued by Marty. They end up on the edge of cliffs where, exactly a year earlier, they had had the showdown resulting in Jansen's arrest.
A Sentimental Journey
14. A Sentimental Journey
January 23, 1970
Sam Seymour hires Jeff to go to Glasgow and retrieve a valuable 'item'. This turns out to be his girlfriend Dandy Garrison, who has a case chained to her wrist. On arrival back in London Dandy disappears, fitting Jeff up to appear to be her accomplice. In reality she has gone off with Tony, one of Seymour's men and they have stolen a very valuable stamp. Dandy tries to double-cross Tony as well, by escaping in a private plane but Marty brings her down to earth.
When The Spirit Moves You
13. When The Spirit Moves You
January 2, 1970
Small-time con artist Calvin P. Bream attracts the attention of mobster Miklos Corri when he claims to have a large number of bearer bonds - actually sheets of newspaper. To draw Corri off his trail Bream claims to be only the middle man and, taking a name from the papers at random, cites Randall and Hopkirk. He visits Jeff, pretending to be an American cop but Marty spots the deception. The bizarre thing is that Bream can actually see Marty but only when he is drunk. When Corri holds Jeff a prisoner and threatens to kill him in order to get at the bonds in a night ...
All Work and No Pay
12. All Work and No Pay
October 5, 1969
Jeannie believes that Marty is trying to contact her when objects begin to move around in her house but it is a ploy by the Foster brothers, spiritualists down on their luck, who offer to pay Jeannie to send them clients anxious to hear messages from loved ones who have crossed over. Sensing a scam, Jeff sends Laura, an actress, to pose as a widow and engage the Fosters. He and Jeannie arrive at the Fosters' home and believe, erroneously, that they have killed her. However, the brothers attempt to murder Jeannie and Jeff by propelling objects using electricity. Marty ...
Never Trust A Ghost
11. Never Trust A Ghost
October 12, 1969
Marty sees James Howarth being murdered but when Jeff summons the police at Marty's behest Howarth is apparently alive and well. Marty finds out that 'Howarth' and his wife are impostors who have murdered the real James and Karen Howarth and hidden the corpses in the basement. However, when the police come to investigate, the murderers, who are spies out to get a list of all known British agents - have disposed of them and Jeff is discredited. He begins to doubt Marty's sanity and sends him to a ghost expert, Dr. Plevitt, who can actually see him. The doctor is ...
For The Girl Who Has Everything
10. For The Girl Who Has Everything
December 7, 1969
Ghost hunter James McAllister asks for Jeff's help, having been hired by wealthy American Kim Wentworth to see if her home, Crake Castle, is haunted. McAllister is killed and it looks as if Kim's husband is the murderer, trying to frighten Kim away so that he can marry girlfriend Laura but it would seem that the butler did it and the butler and Kim are the killers, anxious to run off together. Jeff is their prisoner but fortunately Marty has found a local lady who can see and hear him - in order for him to effect a rescue.
It's Supposed to Be Thicker Than Water
9. It's Supposed to Be Thicker Than Water
February 13, 1970
Having reunited the far-flung members of the Crackan family for a gathering where patriarch Joshua will decide which one of them should be his heir, Jeff tells Marty he wants to end their partnership. However, when members of the Crackan clan start to get murdered it is Marty who saves the situation by communicating with Fay, the last survivor, as she goes into a trance assisting a stage hypnotist and getting her to call the police and Jeff is made to re-consider his hasty decision.
But What a Sweet Little Room
8. But What a Sweet Little Room
December 14, 1969
After Anne Fenwick is killed by gold-digging boyfriend 'Bunny' de Crecy, her niece Julia, unaware of Anne's fate, asks Jeff to locate her, telling him that she attended a seance given by Madame Hanska every week. Jeannie poses as a recent widow wanting news of her husband but Elliot, a man who befriends her, exposes her to Madame Hanska, as Marty discovers. Marty 'appears' to the medium and frightens her into admitting the scam whereby she sends lonely rich women into de Crecy's clutches and Jeff confronts him in the room where he killed Anne, with Marty contributing ...
Who Killed Cock Robin?
7. Who Killed Cock Robin?
December 21, 1969
Mr. Laverick, a solicitor, approaches Jeff with a bizarre assignment - to act as minder to an aviary of birds belonging to the late, eccentric Mrs. Wentworth Howe. Her will stipulates that her relatives will get a share of her large fortune only if the birds are all dead - and someone does kill one of the birds. However it is the relatives who are dying like flies and soon only one,Sandra, is left - making her the chief subject. The murderer, however, turns out to be outside of the family but his efforts to kill the birds only end in his own destruction - with a ...
You Can Always Find a Fall Guy
6. You Can Always Find a Fall Guy
March 6, 1970
A nun approaches Jeff and asks him to acquire a document from her convent which will prove that accountant Douglas Kershaw is embezzling the nuns' funds. He goes along to the building with the suspicious Marty, only to find that he has burgled a research facility on behalf of the fake nun and her accomplice, who need to get their hands on valuable documents. Once more he gets arrested, released and captured by the villains. Once more Marty has to save him - this time by using a man under sedation for an operation as his medium.
A Disturbing Case
5. A Disturbing Case
September 28, 1969
Hearing Jeff talk to Marty, Marty's wife Jeannie believes he has snapped and he is referred to a psychiatric unit run by Dr. Conrad. Marty goes to visit him and learns that Conrad is a criminal who hypnotizes people into giving him their valuables, but Conrad gets Jeff to tell him about Marty and then erases him from Jeff's memory by using drugs. Marty overcomes this by impersonating Dr. Conrad's voice and hypnotizing Jeff into believing he is a karate expert and foiling the next crime.
The Ghost who Saved The Bank at Monte Carlo
4. The Ghost who Saved The Bank at Monte Carlo
November 30, 1969
Marty's eccentric old aunt, Clara, unaware of his death, comes to the agency, seeking a bodyguard to accompany her to the roulette tables of Monte Carlo where she hopes to put into practice her foolproof winning system. Jeff and Jeannie go with her and she wins a fortune but two gangs, one British, one French, are after her secret and steal her 'little red book' though this proves to be worthless as her system is in her head. When heavies abduct Jean, the best way to save her seems to be to show that Clara can lose as well as win, requiring Marty to 'doctor' the ...
The Trouble with Women
3. The Trouble with Women
February 20, 1970
Once again Jeff is hired as a fall guy to take the rap for a murder. In this case the guilty parties are Susan Lang and her lover Corder. Susan hires Jeff to tail her two-timing husband Paul, but then Paul gets murdered. Jeff is arrested yet again but released whereupon Susan and Corder abduct him at gunpoint and take him to a quarry to kill him Fortunately for him, Marty rescues him, having enlisted the aid of other ghosts.
That's How to Murder Snowballs
2. That's How to Murder Snowballs
October 19, 1969
The mind-reading act at the theatre goes wrong - the stooge shoots the mind-reader when a real bullet is swapped for the blank. Jeff Randall investigates, and - with the help of Marty - becomes a mind-reader himself, and in the process, clears the fall guy and finds the real villain.
My Late Lamenated Friend and Partner
1. My Late Lamenated Friend and Partner
September 21, 1969
Private eyes Jeff Randall and Marty Hopkirk are gathering information to allow Fay Sorrensen to divorce her cheating husband but he murders her and makes it look like a heart attack. Marty is suspicious but is killed by a hit-and-run driver before he can prove that Sorrensen is a murderer. His white-suited ghost gets Jeff to meet him at his grave in the cemetery and they expose the murderer between them. However, Marty has been out of his grave beyond the dawn and must wander the Earth as a ghost for the next century, though only Jeff can see him.
Where to Watch Randall and Hopkirk
Randall and Hopkirk is available for streaming on the ITV Global Entertainment Ltd. website, both individual episodes and full seasons. You can also watch Randall and Hopkirk on demand at Amazon.
  • Premiere Date
    September 21, 1969
  • IMDB Rating
    7.7  (1,476)