Ready, Steady, Wiggle! Season 1 Episode 29

Ep 29. Marty Party

  • TVG
  • October 8, 2013

Ready, Steady, Wiggle! season 1 episode 29, titled "Marty Party," is an entertaining and engaging episode perfect for young children. The episode is all about Marty the Musician, a fun and energetic character beloved by children all over the world.

The show begins with the Wiggles and their friends getting ready to attend Marty's party. However, they learn that they need to bring something special to the party. The Wiggles decide to bring their instruments and perform a special song for Marty. Along the way, they sing and dance to various songs that showcase Marty's talents as a musician.

Throughout the episode, children will be introduced to various musical concepts such as rhythm, melody, and harmony. They will also learn about different types of instruments and how they work together to create music. As always, the Wiggles and their friends encourage children to sing, dance, and have fun while learning new things.

One of the highlights of the episode is when Marty teaches Simon how to play the clarinet. Simon struggles at first, but with Marty's guidance, he becomes more confident and eventually plays a solo during the Wiggles' performance. This moment is sure to inspire children to try new things and never give up.

Another memorable moment is when Lachy and Emma perform a duet with Marty. The three musicians harmonize beautifully, and their performance showcases the power of teamwork and collaboration.

Overall, "Marty Party" is a fun-filled and educational episode that will have children singing and dancing along with the Wiggles and their friends. Marty the Musician is a vibrant and lovable character that children will adore, and the episode's focus on musical concepts makes it a valuable resource for parents and educators. Whether you're an existing Wiggles fan or are new to the world of children's entertainment, "Marty Party" is a must-watch episode that is sure to delight and engage young audiences.

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  • First Aired
    October 8, 2013
  • Content Rating
  • Language