Serie Catolicismo

Watch Serie Catolicismo

  • 2011
  • 1 Season

"Catolicismo" is a television show produced by Word on Fire Catholic Ministries, a non-profit organization founded by bishop Robert Barron to spread the teachings of the Catholic Church through media. This groundbreaking docu-series offers a deep dive into the history, theology and cultural heritage of Catholicism, exploring the richness and diversity of this ancient faith.

Through the course of the series, viewers are transported to different parts of the world, where they can witness the powerful impact of Catholicism on different cultures and societies. From the soaring cathedrals of Europe to the bustling markets of Africa and South America, "Catolicismo" presents a vivid and illuminating portrait of the Catholic Church as a global phenomenon.

One of the key strengths of "Catolicismo" is its comprehensive approach to the subject matter. This is not a show that is solely concerned with doctrine or dogma. Rather, it seeks to illuminate every aspect of Catholicism, from its social teachings and cultural practices to its sacraments and devotions. As such, it appeals to viewers of all backgrounds and beliefs, offering a window into a faith that has shaped the course of human history.

At the heart of "Catolicismo" is its host and guide, Bishop Barron. A renowned theologian and media personality, Barron brings a wealth of knowledge and insight to the show, as well as his trademark wit and humor. Throughout the series, he engages with experts in various fields, from academia to the arts, to shed light on different aspects of Catholicism.

One of the highlights of "Catolicismo" is its visual style. Shot over the course of several years, the series is a feast for the eyes, with stunning cinematography and evocative imagery that captures the beauty and grandeur of Catholicism. From the ornate vestments of priests to the intricate carvings of altarpieces, every detail is captured with a sense of reverence and awe.

But "Catolicismo" is not just a show for Catholics. It is a show for anyone who is interested in exploring the human experience and understanding more about the history and traditions that have shaped our world. By presenting Catholicism in a compelling and accessible way, it invites viewers to engage with its teachings and reflect on their own beliefs and values.

In a world that often seems divided by religion and culture, "Catolicismo" offers a different perspective. It shows us that Catholicism is not just a set of beliefs, but a lived experience that permeates every aspect of human existence. By exploring the different ways that Catholicism has been lived and practiced around the world, it highlights the common experiences and values that unite us as human beings.

Overall, "Catolicismo" is a powerful and inspiring show that has the potential to transform the way we think about religion and culture. With its groundbreaking approach and stunning visuals, it provides a rich and rewarding journey through the heart of Catholicism, and invites viewers to join in that journey themselves. Whether you are a lifelong Catholic or are simply curious about the world around you, "Catolicismo" is a show that is not to be missed.

Serie Catolicismo
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[Spanish Audio] Serie Catolicismo- Mundo Sin Fin: Las postrimer­as
10. [Spanish Audio] Serie Catolicismo- Mundo Sin Fin: Las postrimer­as
October 13, 2011
[Spanish Audio] La fe cat³lica ofrece una visi³n de la vida orientada hacia un destino sobrenatural. En el Episodio 10, "Mundo sin fin: Las postrimer­as," el padre Barron viaja a Florencia, Irlanda, y Roma para ilustrar c³mo esta vida es una preparaci³n para un mundo extraordinario por venir.
[Spanish Audio] Serie Catolicismo- El Fuego de Su Amor: La oraci³n y la vida del esp­ritu
9. [Spanish Audio] Serie Catolicismo- El Fuego de Su Amor: La oraci³n y la vida del esp­ritu
October 13, 2011
[Spanish Audio] En el Episodio 9, "El fuego de su amor: La oraci³n y la vida del esp­ritu," el padre Robert Barron explora c³mo la fe cat³lica transforma a la humanidad a trav©s de la oraci³n, el compromiso espiritual y el misterio de la vocaci³n. Rodado en Nueva York, vila, Toledo, Getseman­, y otros lugares.
[Spanish Audio] Serie Catolicismo- Una Multitud de Testigos: La comuni³n de los santos
8. [Spanish Audio] Serie Catolicismo- Una Multitud de Testigos: La comuni³n de los santos
October 13, 2011
[Spanish Audio] La historia de la Iglesia se narra a trav©s del ejemplo de aquellos que dedicaron su vida al conocimiento y servicio de Jesucristo. En el Episodio 8, "Una multitud de testigos: La comuni³n de los santos," el padrea Barron conmemora a algunas de las santas m¡s extraordinarias- Edith Stein, la Madre Teresa, Teresa de Lisieux, y Katharine Drexel.
[Spanish Audio] Serie Catolicismo- El Verbo Hecho Carne, Verdadero Pan del Cielo
7. [Spanish Audio] Serie Catolicismo- El Verbo Hecho Carne, Verdadero Pan del Cielo
October 13, 2011
[Spanish Audio] El padre Barron explora las antiguas pr¡cticas litºrgicas de la Iglesia que persisten hoy en d­a. La Eucarist­a es la pr¡ctica central de la fe cat³lica, "la fuente y cumbre" de la vida cristiana. En el Episodio 7, "El Verbo hecho carne, verdadero pan del Cielo: Los misterios de la Liturgia y la Eucarist­a," el padre Barron explica el significado de la Eucarist­a de la Iglesia.
[Spanish Audio] Serie Catolicismo- La Uni³n M­stica Entre Cristo y la Iglesia
6. [Spanish Audio] Serie Catolicismo- La Uni³n M­stica Entre Cristo y la Iglesia
October 13, 2011
[Spanish Audio] En el Episodio 6, "Un cuerpo doliente y glorioso: La uni³n m­stica entre Cristo y la Iglesia," el Padre Barron explora c³mo la fe cat³lica comprende la relaci³n entre Jesucristo y la Iglesia. S© testigo de c³mo el Cuerpo M­stico de Cristo es un organismo vivo que se extiende desde Roma hasta Nueva York, Sao Paolo, y Manila, abrazando a toda la humanidad, con sus penas y alegr­as.
[Spanish Audio] Serie Catolicismo- Los Hombres Indispensables: Pedro, Pablo y la aventura misionera
5. [Spanish Audio] Serie Catolicismo- Los Hombres Indispensables: Pedro, Pablo y la aventura misionera
October 13, 2011
[Spanish Audio] El Episodio 5, "Los hombres indispensables: Pedro, Pablo, y la aventura misionera," muestra la labor misionera de la Iglesia que inici³ con las aventuras de San Pedro y San Pablo. Desde ‰feso, Corinto, Atenas, y Roma, hasta los confines m¡s alejados del mundo, el Padre Barron rastrea la influencia de estos dos grandes ap³stoles y su permanente legado en la vida de la Iglesia.
[Spanish Audio] Serie Catolicismo- Mar­a, la Madre de Dios
4. [Spanish Audio] Serie Catolicismo- Mar­a, la Madre de Dios
October 13, 2011
[Spanish Audio] En el Episodio 4, "La solitaria presunci³n de nuestra naturaleza ca­da: Mar­a, la Madrea de Dios," nos trasladamos a las ruinas de ‰feso y a los grandes santuarios marianos de Lourdes y Guadalupe. El Padre Barron explica la gran reverencia que la Igledia tiene por Mar­a y su papel ºnico en la historia de la salvaci³n.
[Spanish Audio] Serie Catolicismo- Somos Bienaventurados: Las ense±anzas de Jesºs
2. [Spanish Audio] Serie Catolicismo- Somos Bienaventurados: Las ense±anzas de Jesºs
October 13, 2011
[Spanish Audio] La Iglesia nos invita a un sorprendente y ºnico estilo de vida. En el Episodio 2, "Somos bienaventurados: Las ense±anzas de Jesºs," el Padre Barron viaja desde Galilea hasta Cracovia, Varsovia, Nueva York, Kampala, y otros lugares, present¡ndonos lo que en plenitud significa ser un disc­pulo de Cristo.
1. Catholicism Surprised and scared Series: The revelation of God becomes man
1. 1. Catholicism Surprised and scared Series: The revelation of God becomes man
In Episode 1, "Surprised and scared: The revelation of God becomes man," we move with Bishop Barron on a journey through the mysteries and sacred places of the Holy Land. Bishop Barron is illuminating the conviction of the Catholic faith that Jesus of Nazareth is the promised Messiah and that the revelation of God became man in Christ.
  • Premiere Date
    October 3, 2011