Splitting Up Together Season 2 Episode 10

Ep 10. China-Curious

  • TV14
  • January 15, 2019
  • 6.2  (56)

Lena and Martin are back for another episode of Splitting Up Together. This time around, their curiosity is piqued by a potential business opportunity in China.

The couple finds themselves delving into the world of Chinese business practices and customs as they try to navigate negotiations and partnerships with local companies. Along the way, they also face personal challenges as they confront the inevitable cultural differences that come with doing business overseas.

As Lena and Martin work to build bridges and strengthen their business relationships, they must also navigate their own individual struggles in the second half of the season. Lena grapples with some upsetting news about Mae, causing her to reflect on her own childhood and her relationship with her mother. Meanwhile, Martin tries to reconcile with Nan and rediscover what he wants out of life.

Despite these personal hurdles, Lena and Martin remain determined to make their China business venture a success. The episode ends on a high note as Lena makes a bold decision that could change the course of their entire business strategy.

Overall, China-Curious is a thought-provoking episode that tackles themes of cultural differences, business ethics, and personal growth. Fans of Splitting Up Together will definitely not want to miss this one!

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  • First Aired
    January 15, 2019
  • Content Rating
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    6.2  (56)