Super Soul Sunday Season 1 Episode 2

Ep 2. Crazy Sexy Life

  • October 23, 2011

In this episode of Super Soul Sunday, titled "Crazy Sexy Life," host Oprah Winfrey sits down with wellness activist and bestselling author Kris Carr. Carr shares her story of being diagnosed with a rare and incurable form of cancer at the age of 31, and how that experience led her to completely transform her life.

Throughout the episode, Carr discusses how she approached her cancer diagnosis with a "crazy sexy" attitude, embracing the challenges and finding ways to live a fulfilling and empowered life. She also shares her philosophy on wellness, emphasizing the importance of self-care, mindfulness, and nourishing the body with whole, plant-based foods.

As Winfrey and Carr delve deeper into the topic of wellness, they explore the concept of "tribe," or finding a supportive community of like-minded individuals who can help us on our journey to health and happiness. Carr shares her own experience of building a community around her work, and gives advice on how to find and cultivate meaningful connections with others.

The episode includes several segments featuring other individuals who have taken Carr's teachings to heart and transformed their own lives. Viewers meet a cancer survivor who found healing through a plant-based diet, a young woman who started a wellness community in her hometown, and a man who overcame addiction and found new purpose in life after reading Carr's book.

Overall, "Crazy Sexy Life" is an uplifting and inspiring episode that offers valuable insights into the power of positive thinking, self-care, and building a supportive community. Through Carr's story and the stories of others, viewers are reminded of the incredible potential we all have to create a life that is both healthy and fulfilling.

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  • First Aired
    October 23, 2011
  • Language