Super Soul Sunday Season 4 Episode 19

Ep 19. Oprah & Karen Armstrong, Part One

  • June 9, 2013

In Season 4, Episode 19 of Super Soul Sunday, Oprah Winfrey sits down with Karen Armstrong, a renowned religious historian and author, for a two-part conversation about spirituality and compassion.

Part One of the interview focuses on Armstrong's personal journey and the role that religion has played in shaping her life and work. Armstrong shares that she grew up in a strict Catholic household but began to question her faith in her early 20s. She eventually left the church and pursued different spiritual practices, including a stint as a Buddhist nun.

Throughout the conversation, Armstrong emphasizes the importance of cultivating a sense of compassion and empathy in our daily lives, regardless of our religious beliefs. She argues that while religions may have different rituals and traditions, they ultimately all point towards the same goal of spreading love and kindness.

Oprah and Armstrong also delve into the concept of God and how it has been interpreted across different religious traditions. Armstrong notes that while many people see God as a divine being who intervenes in human affairs, she prefers to think of God as a force or energy that connects all living things.

Finally, the episode concludes with Armstrong and Oprah discussing the state of religion and spirituality in the world today. Armstrong suggests that we need to move past the "us vs. them" mentality and embrace a more inclusive view of spirituality that recognizes the shared humanity of all beings.

Overall, Part One of Oprah & Karen Armstrong is a thought-provoking and insightful exploration of spirituality and compassion. Whether you are religious or not, Armstrong's wisdom and perspective will challenge you to think more deeply about the meaning of life and the role that kindness and empathy can play in creating a better world.

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  • First Aired
    June 9, 2013
  • Language