Thanks A Million Season 1 Episode 2
Thanks A Million
Season 1

Ep 2. Kevin Hart

  • April 6, 2020

Thanks A Million is a heartwarming new show hosted by Jennifer Lopez. In every episode, a celebrity is given the chance to give away $100,000 to someone who has had a major impact on their life. The show highlights the power of gratitude and giving back, with each recipient paying it forward to someone else at the end of each episode.

Season 1 episode 2, titled "Kevin Hart," features the famous comedian and actor as he sets out to give back to someone who helped him early on in his career. The episode begins with Kevin reflecting on his journey in show business, from his humble beginnings as a struggling stand-up comic to his rise to fame in movies and television. He credits much of his success to the support and guidance he received from a man named Wax, who took Kevin under his wing and helped him get his start in the industry.

To show his appreciation, Kevin decides to surprise Wax with a check for $100,000. The episode follows Kevin as he travels to Wax's hometown of Philly to carry out this mission. Along the way, we learn more about Wax and the impact he had on Kevin's life. Wax was a fixture in the Philadelphia comedy scene, known for his supportive and encouraging attitude towards up-and-coming comedians. Kevin credits Wax with helping him develop his voice and style as a performer, and as a friend and mentor who believed in him when nobody else did.

When Kevin surprises Wax with the $100,000 check, the emotion is palpable. Wax is clearly moved and grateful for the gesture, and the two share a heartfelt conversation about their shared history and the power of giving back. Wax reveals that he plans to use the money to help build a new community center in his hometown, one that will provide mentorship and support to young people pursuing their dreams in the arts.

The rest of the episode focuses on the ripple effect of Kevin's gift. Wax decides to pay it forward by giving $10,000 each to 10 other comedians who he believes have the potential to make it big in the industry. We see each of these comedians receive the news of the gift with tears of joy and gratitude, realizing that someone believes in their talent enough to invest in them. It's a powerful reminder of the impact that small acts of kindness can have.

In the end, Thanks A Million: Kevin Hart is a touching tribute to the power of gratitude and giving back. Kevin's journey from struggling comedian to superstar is a testament to the impact that one person can have on another's life, and his decision to honor Wax in such a meaningful way speaks to his generosity and humility as a person. The episode's focus on paying it forward is especially timely and poignant in today's world, where so many people are struggling and in need of support. Thanks A Million is a show that will inspire viewers to reflect on their own lives and relationships, and to think about how they can make a positive impact on others.

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  • First Aired
    April 6, 2020
  • Language