The Archie Show Season 1 Episode 4
The Archie Show
Season 1

Ep 4. The Circus / The Prize Winner

  • TV-Y7
  • June 17, 1968
  • 21 min

The Archie Show season 1 episode 4, titled "The Circus / The Prize Winner," is a fun and exciting episode full of surprises and laughter. The episode begins with the kids of Riverdale getting excited about the upcoming circus that is coming to town. They are all looking forward to seeing the acrobats, clowns, and animals perform in the big tent.

Archie and his friends decide to enter a contest to win free tickets to the circus. To win the prize, they must come up with the best act to perform in front of a panel of judges. Archie and his friends team up with Betty and Veronica to create a daring acrobatic routine that they hope will impress the judges and win them the tickets.

As the big day arrives, the kids are nervous but excited to perform their act. They arrive at the contest venue and see many other great acts from talented performers. Archie and his friends are worried that they may not be able to win against such tough competition, but they give it their all and perform their routine flawlessly.

The judges are impressed with their act, but they also see many other great performers and have a tough time deciding on the winner. In the end, Archie and his friends are announced as the winners and are overjoyed to win the tickets to the circus.

The group celebrates their win by going to the circus and enjoying the various acts. They all have a great time and enjoy watching the clowns, acrobats, and animals perform. However, their fun is short-lived when they encounter a mischievous clown who causes chaos and mayhem at the circus.

The kids try to catch the clown but are unable to do so. Eventually, the clown is caught by the circus officials, and the kids can breathe a sigh of relief. They continue to enjoy the rest of the day at the circus, but they never forget the crazy antics of the clown.

Overall, "The Circus / The Prize Winner" is a fantastic episode of The Archie Show that is sure to entertain both kids and adults. The storyline is engaging and fun, and the characters are enjoyable to watch. With its mix of humor and excitement, this episode is a must-see for any fan of the show.

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  • First Aired
    June 17, 1968
  • Content Rating
  • Runtime
    21 min
  • Language