The Bachelorette Season 1 Episode 4
The Bachelorette
Season 1

Ep 4. A Very Very Very Fine House

  • January 29, 2003
  • 2m:58s min
  •   (18)

Chris enters the guy's house and tells them they are all going home for the individual dates, and they will only see each other again at the Rose Ceremonies. He also tells them they have a unique opportunity - the next Rose Ceremony is also Trista's 30th birthday, and they should not be stupid and show up empty-handed. Vail with Ryan Ryan meets Trista and brings her to the fire station, where all of the other firemen are waiting outside to meet Trista. When they go inside, Ryan shows Trista how to slide down the pole - Ryan reveals that the fire pole is a big test for him, that anyone not willing to go down it is probably not worth the time. Trista goes for it with no reservation. The others welcome her to lunch and ask her about her interest in Ryan, as they don't want to lose him. Ryan reveals his job is a big part of who he is, and he can't give up everything about himself. They then head up the mountain to the "Wedding Deck," a beautiful spot to watch the sunset. They sip champagne

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  • First Aired
    January 29, 2003
  • Runtime
    2m:58s min
  • Language