The Ellen DeGeneres Show Season 15 Episode 85

Ep 85. Chris Pratt

  • May 12, 2017

Chris Pratt, the beloved actor, is a guest on The Ellen DeGeneres Show season 15 episode 85. The episode will feature Chris Pratt discussing his latest film projects and his experience as an actor. As a long-time fan favorite, this episode promises to offer viewers an inside look into the charismatic actor's personal life.

The Ellen DeGeneres Show season 15 episode 85 will begin with a lively introduction from Ellen DeGeneres, who will then welcome Chris Pratt onto the show. The two will discuss Chris's current projects, including his upcoming film, The Tomorrow War. Chris will share stories about his experience filming the movie, and Ellen will ask about his role in the film, delving into the character's motivations and backstory.

In addition to discussing his work in Hollywood, Chris will also share stories from his personal life. He will talk about his family and friends, offering insight into his relationships and the things he enjoys doing during his downtime. Ellen will also ask Chris about his experience working with other celebrities, giving viewers an exclusive peek behind the scenes.

Throughout the episode, Chris and Ellen will engage in lighthearted banter and playful antics, showcasing their natural chemistry and sense of humor. The show will feature fun segments, including hilarious games and entertaining skits, designed to keep viewers engaged and entertained.

As with all episodes of The Ellen DeGeneres Show, this episode will also feature some heartwarming moments. Chris will share personal stories about overcoming challenges and persevering through difficult times. He will offer inspiring insights and advice to viewers, encouraging them to pursue their dreams and stay positive in the face of adversity.

Overall, The Ellen DeGeneres Show season 15 episode 85 featuring Chris Pratt promises to be an entertaining and enjoyable episode for fans of both Chris and the show. With its winning blend of humor, heart, and celebrity guest appearances, this episode is sure to be one viewers will not want to miss.

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  • First Aired
    May 12, 2017
  • Language