The Ellen DeGeneres Show Season 17 Episode 103

Ep 103. Howie Mandel, Dr. Dean Ornish

  • June 11, 2019

Howie Mandel, the Canadian comedian, actor, and television host joins Ellen DeGeneres in this episode of The Ellen DeGeneres Show. Mandel recently turned 65 years old and he talks about his unique way of celebrating his birthday during the pandemic. He said he rented a mobile home and drove up the coast of California with his wife and pets. Mandel also shares his passion for comedy and talks about how he got his start in the industry.

In addition to his comedic talents, Mandel is also a judge on the popular reality talent show America's Got Talent. Ellen asks him about the challenges of judging such a wide range of talents, from singers to sword swallowers. Mandel says that he tries to look for uniqueness and originality in each act, and that he loves being surprised by unexpected talents.

The second guest on the show is Dr. Dean Ornish, a renowned physician and researcher in the field of lifestyle medicine. Dr. Ornish has spent over 40 years studying the effects of diet, exercise, and stress management on human health. He shares some of his latest research findings on how simple lifestyle changes can have a big impact on chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.

Dr. Ornish is the founder of the Preventive Medicine Research Institute and the author of several best-selling books on health and wellness. He talks about his latest book, "Undo It!: How Simple Lifestyle Changes Can Reverse Most Chronic Diseases," which outlines four key areas of lifestyle change that can make a big difference in disease prevention and reversal. These include a whole-food, plant-based diet; regular exercise; stress management techniques such as yoga and meditation; and social support.

Ellen and Dr. Ornish discuss the challenges of making lifestyle changes and how to overcome common barriers such as lack of time or motivation. Dr. Ornish emphasizes the importance of finding a support system and making gradual changes rather than trying to do everything at once. He also shares some inspiring success stories from his patients who have reversed chronic diseases through lifestyle changes.

Overall, this episode of The Ellen DeGeneres Show offers a mix of lighthearted comedy and serious health topics. The guests bring unique perspectives on their respective fields and share interesting insights and advice for viewers.

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  • First Aired
    June 11, 2019
  • Language