The Ellen DeGeneres Show Season 18 Episode 47

Ep 47. Chrissy Teigen, John Legend

  • April 6, 2020

The Ellen DeGeneres Show season 18 episode 47 features special guests Chrissy Teigen and John Legend. The power couple talk with Ellen about their experiences as parents and their recent cookbook collaboration. They also discuss their activism on social media and their efforts to promote political awareness.

During the episode, Chrissy and John share some hilarious anecdotes about their children and family life. They also talk about the challenges of balancing their busy careers with parenthood, and give advice to other parents out there struggling to do the same.

In addition to their personal stories, Chrissy and John use their platform on the show to speak out about important social issues. They discuss their activism on social media and how it has helped them raise awareness about causes they care about, including immigration reform and police brutality.

Ellen and her guests also get cooking in the episode's "Cooking with Chrissy and John" segment, in which they demonstrate some of the delicious recipes from their new cookbook. They chat about their love for food, their favorite dishes, and their tips for cooking at home.

Throughout the episode, Ellen and her guests share many laughs and heartwarming moments. The episode is a must-watch for fans of Chrissy and John, as well as anyone looking for inspiration on how to balance career and family, speak out on social issues, and whip up some delicious meals in the kitchen.

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  • First Aired
    April 6, 2020
  • Language