The Great British Baking Show Season 7 Episode 6

Ep 6. Desserts Week

  • September 28, 2016
  • 7.7  (74)

The Great British Baking Show season 7 episode 6 is titled "Desserts Week" and features the remaining contestants battling it out in a variety of dessert challenges. The episode begins with the signature challenge, in which the bakers are tasked with creating their own twist on a classic dessert. The judges, Paul Hollywood and Prue Leith, are looking for creativity and execution, as well as the ability to balance flavors and textures.

Next up is the technical challenge, which involves making a challenging and often obscure dessert from a set of minimal instructions. The stakes are high in this challenge, as the contestants are judged solely on their ability to follow the recipe and execute the dessert perfectly. The pressure is on as the bakers compete to avoid being named the weakest performer in this round.

Finally, the showstopper challenge demands the bakers create a larger-than-life, multi-layered dessert that must be both visually stunning and packed with flavor. This challenge pushes the contestants to their limits, as they must balance their artistic vision with the technical aspects of constructing a complex dessert. The judges will be looking for a variety of textures, flavors, and decorations in the finished products.

Throughout the episode, viewers will get an inside look at the baking process, including the contestants' inspirations and challenges. They'll also see the judges' reactions to each dessert and hear their critiques and feedback.

As always, the atmosphere in the tent is one of camaraderie and good-natured competition, as the bakers encourage each other and work to improve their skills. Fans of the show can expect to be impressed and inspired by the contestants' creativity and ingenuity, as they tackle some of the trickiest desserts in the baking world. Whether you're an experienced baker or simply enjoy watching the magic unfold, Desserts Week is sure to offer a feast for the eyes and the taste buds.

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  • First Aired
    September 28, 2016
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    7.7  (74)