The Replacements Season 2 Episode 11
The Replacements
Season 2

Ep 11. Glee By the Sea

  • July 21, 2008
  • 21 min
  •   (11)

Glee By the Sea is the eleventh episode of the second season of the animated television series The Replacements. In this episode, Todd and Riley are excited to enjoy their beach vacation, but their plans are interrupted by a singing competition called the "Glee by the Sea" contest.

Todd and Riley initially plan to participate in the contest, but their hopes are dashed when the reigning champions, a group of identical triplets, seem unbeatable. Despite this, the Replacements are determined to make the most of their vacation and find other ways to have fun.

However, the triplets are not content with simply winning the competition; they also want to humiliate Todd and Riley in the process. To do this, they sabotage the Replacements' attempts at enjoying the beach and taunt them at every turn.

As the contest draws nearer, Todd and Riley realize that they cannot let the triplets win, and they begin to come up with a plan to defeat them. With the help of some unexpected allies, the Replacements prepare for their big performance and go head to head with the triplets in a dramatic and hilarious showdown.

Throughout the episode, the Replacements learn valuable lessons about teamwork and standing up for themselves, all while enjoying the sun and surf of their beach vacation. Glee By the Sea is a fun and upbeat episode full of catchy songs and entertaining shenanigans, making it a must-see for fans of the series.

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  • First Aired
    July 21, 2008
  • Runtime
    21 min
  • Language