The Truth Behind Season 1 Episode 1
The Truth Behind
Season 1

Ep 1. The Loch Ness Monster

  • November 3, 2011

The Truth Behind is a documentary series that aims to investigate and uncover the secrets behind some of the world's greatest mysteries. Season one begins with the highly debated topic of the Loch Ness Monster in episode one.

The episode sets out to explore the history and legends surrounding the elusive creature said to inhabit the deep, murky waters of the Scottish loch. The host leads the audience through various sightings and encounters that have occurred over the years, ranging from blurry photographs to detailed eyewitness accounts.

We learn about the earliest stories of a monster in the loch, which date back to the 6th century when Irish monk St. Columba is believed to have battled a creature in the waters. The show also takes us through the infamous "Surgeon's Photograph" of 1934, which was widely believed to be the first photographic evidence of the monster. The photograph was later proved to be a hoax, but the image became iconic and helped to build the legend of the monster.

Experts are brought in to provide their analysis and insight on the numerous sightings and evidence of the creature over the years. The audience is treated to discussions with scientists, researchers, and historians who offer explanations on the possible origins of Nessie, theories on its existence, and why it's been so difficult to identify the creature.

The episode delves into the technology used to study the loch, including sonar imaging and underwater photography. We get to see firsthand the challenges of these techniques, with murky waters making it challenging to get clear images and get an accurate reading of the loch's depths. The show also highlights some of the alleged recordings of the monster's calls. Experts give their take on these recordings as they try to decipher the animal's vocal communication.

As the episode draws to a close, we see the host travel to the loch to meet with one of the most fervent supporters of the Loch Ness Monster's existence. The longtime Nessie enthusiast shows the host a collection of evidence that he's gathered over the years. The host asks him how he's so sure that the monster exists, and he recounts his experience of seeing the creature himself. The audience is left on the edge of their seat, wondering if the legendary creature is as mythological as it sounds or if there is in fact something lurking beneath the waters of Loch Ness.

Overall, the episode offers a well-rounded overview of the Loch Ness Monster legend and the various attempts to prove its existence. The show does not try to force a particular viewpoint or come to any conclusions but rather presents the evidence to the viewer, leaving them to draw their conclusions about the existence of Nessie.

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  • First Aired
    November 3, 2011
  • Language