Tokyo Ravens Season 1 Episode 5
Tokyo Ravens
Season 1

Ep 5. RAVEN"S NEST -Bonds-

  • TV14
  • November 5, 2013
  • 24 min
  •   (13)

The episode titled "RAVEN'S NEST -Bonds-" is the fifth episode of Tokyo Ravens season 1. The story revolves around Harutora Tsuchimikado, a boy from a prestigious family of onmyoji who cannot see spirits, and Natsume, a girl from the same family who is considered the future head of it. Together they attend Onmyo Academy, which is known for training talented onmyoji.

In this episode, Harutora and the rest of the gang return to Tokyo after their successful mission in Matsumoto. Harutora is still shaken by the revelation that his good friend, Touji Ato, was one of the nine Divine Generals. He is unsure how to feel about Touji's past and current actions, but deep down, he knows that Touji is still the same person he befriended years ago.

Meanwhile, Natsume struggles with the weight of being the future head of the Tsuchimikado family. Her grandfather, Souma, has been putting immense pressure on her to succeed and become the strongest onmyoji. She confides in Harutora about her fears and how she is scared of losing herself in the process.

During this time, Harutora also receives some unexpected training from his familiar, Kon. She puts him through some intense physical training, pushing him beyond his limits. Through this, Harutora realizes that he has been neglecting his own training as an onmyoji, and he is determined to catch up to his friends and be a useful member of the team.

As the day comes to an end, the group decides to visit the Raven's Nest, a secret base for the onmyoji known as Tsuchimikado. There, they meet up with Suzuka, a skilled onmyoji who is also their advisor. It is revealed that the Raven's Nest is a place where the Tsuchimikado family keeps their most precious treasures, and they use it as a base in times of crisis.

The members of the group are each given a special device called a "Raikoho," which allows them to travel through space using spiritual energy. Suzuka also reveals that the Tsuchimikado family has been keeping a powerful talisman in the Raven's Nest that can only be activated by a person with a special spiritual resonance. Natsume realizes that it is her own resonance that activates the talisman, and she feels a newfound sense of responsibility.

As they leave the Raven's Nest, the group is ambushed by a group of onmyoji who are after the talisman. They engage in a fierce battle, during which Harutora finally awakens his spiritual talent and is able to see the spirits around him. This newfound ability proves to be quite useful in the battle, and the group emerges victorious.

The episode ends on a cliffhanger, with Harutora receiving an unexpected visitor who claims to know his true identity. The visitor leaves Harutora with more questions than answers, and he is left wondering what his true purpose is in the world of onmyoji.

Overall, "RAVEN'S NEST -Bonds-" is an action-packed episode that explores the complex relationships between the characters. It delves deeper into the lore and history of the Tsuchimikado family while also introducing new plot twists and mysteries. The episode manages to balance the light-hearted and serious moments, which keeps the viewer engaged throughout.

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Tokyo Ravens, Season 1 Episode 5, is available to watch free on Crunchyroll and stream on Tokyo MX. You can also stream, download, buy, rent Tokyo Ravens on demand at Amazon Prime, Hulu online.
  • First Aired
    November 5, 2013
  • Content Rating
  • Runtime
    24 min
  • Language