Tori & Dean Season 2 Episode 3
Tori & Dean
Season 2

Ep 3. BBQ or Bust

  • PG
  • August 28, 2007

Tori & Dean season 2 episode 3, titled "BBQ or Bust," follows the adventures of Tori Spelling and her husband Dean McDermott as they plan a backyard BBQ for their friends and family. The episode begins with the couple discussing the menu for the party, with Tori insisting on traditional BBQ fare such as ribs and corn on the cob, while Dean wants to experiment with more gourmet options like grilled lobster tails.

As they prepare for the party, the couple faces numerous obstacles. First, their grill is not heating up properly, causing them to worry about whether they'll be able to cook enough food for their guests. Then, they realize they have underestimated the amount of food they need to prepare, leading them to frantically make a last-minute trip to the grocery store.

Meanwhile, their children are causing chaos in the house, with Liam and Stella constantly vying for attention and fighting over toys. Tori and Dean struggle to keep them entertained and out of trouble while also preparing for the party.

As guests begin to arrive, the stress only increases. Tori worries that the food won't be ready in time, while Dean is nervously tinkering with the grill, trying to get it to work properly. But when the food finally starts to come together, it's clear that all the hard work was worth it. The guests rave about the delicious BBQ, and Tori and Dean are able to relax and enjoy the party.

The episode ends with the couple reflecting on their successful BBQ. Despite the challenges they faced, they were able to pull off a fantastic party and have a great time with their friends and family. They realize that sometimes it's the small moments that mean the most, and that their family is what really matters in the end.

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  • First Aired
    August 28, 2007
  • Content Rating
  • Language