Unearthed Season 6 Episode 18
Season 6

Ep 18. Curse of Ancient Armageddon

  • March 17, 2020

The episode Curse of Ancient Armageddon from the sixth season of Unearthed explores the mysteries surrounding an ancient temple which seems to have been cursed by the gods. The team of archaeologists digs deep into the temple complex, trying to uncover the secrets of the structure and the civilization that built it.

As they uncover various chambers, artifacts, and inscriptions, the team realizes that the temple may have been designed to avert an impending disaster, possibly a cataclysmic event like an asteroid impact or a volcanic eruption. However, the temple's builders also believed that their actions may have angered the gods and brought upon them a curse.

The team examines the various clues left behind by the civilization, including inscriptions, art, and architecture, to try and piece together what happened. They also explore legends and myths related to the temple, as well as accounts from ancient travelers who visited the site centuries ago.

As they dig deeper, the team realizes that the curse may not be a myth after all, as they come face to face with several obstacles and challenges. The team members face various technical difficulties and even physical injuries, leading some to wonder if the curse is real or just superstition.

As they uncover more secrets, the team learns that the temple was built using advanced techniques and technologies that were far ahead of their time. They also discover that the civilization who built the temple had knowledge of astronomy and celestial phenomena, and may have been attempting to use this knowledge to predict and prevent disasters.

However, it's not just the mysteries of the temple that the team must contend with. They also encounter local villagers who believe in the curse and who are extremely convinced that the archaeologists are disturbing their ancestors' resting place and angering the gods. The team must find a way to work with the villagers and respect their culture while also continuing their excavation.

Throughout the episode, the team grapples with the question of whether or not the gods have truly cursed the temple and those who enter it. They also explore the broader theme of human attempts to avert natural disasters and control their environment, and the potential consequences of these actions.

Overall, Curse of Ancient Armageddon is a fascinating and suspenseful episode that explores the intersection of archaeology, mythology, and mystery. Through meticulous research and exploration, the team uncovers a wealth of knowledge about an ancient civilization and the lengths they went to protect themselves from disaster, while also grappling with the potential consequences of human intervention in the natural world.

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  • First Aired
    March 17, 2020
  • Language