Unplanned America Season 3 Episode 2

Ep 2. Marked Men

  • July 21, 2015
  • 26 min

Unplanned America season 3 episode 2, titled "Marked Men," follows the journey of the three hosts, Nick, Gonzo, and Parv, as they explore the dark world of tattoos and their significance. The trio begins their journey in Austin, Texas, where they visit a famous tattoo artist who specializes in traditional Japanese tattoos. Along the way, they learn about the rich cultural history behind tattoo art in Japan and the techniques involved in creating traditional tattoos.

Next, the hosts travel to San Francisco to meet a tattoo removal specialist, who helps people erase their tattoos that carry a negative meaning or impact on their lives. The team explores the reasons why people get tattoos and the consequences of their decisions. They interview a couple who got matching tattoos as a symbol of their love and commitment but later broke up and had to undergo painful removal procedures.

As their journey continues, the hosts venture into a maximum-security prison in Colorado, where they learn about the connection between tattoos and criminal gangs. They explore the intricate and complex designs that hold deep significance for these gangs and the impact they have on the prisoners' lives. The team also investigates the process of tattooing within the prison and its dangerous implications.

Finally, the episode takes the hosts to Los Angeles, where they meet with a celebrity tattoo artist who creates intricate designs on famous clients. They learn about the pressure artists face to create unique designs that reflect their clients' personalities and how tattoos have become a form of self-expression in the entertainment industry.

Overall, "Marked Men" explores the fascinating and diverse world of tattoo art, its cultural significance, and the complex reasons behind people's decisions to get inked. The episode offers a unique glimpse into the different worlds of tattooing, from traditional Japanese designs to celebrity creations, and the personal and societal impact tattoos can have.

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  • First Aired
    July 21, 2015
  • Runtime
    26 min
  • Language