60 Minutes Season 40 Episode 4
60 Minutes
Season 40

Ep 4. Clarence Thomas, What Killed Rebecca Riley?, Invincible

  • September 30, 2007

For 60 Minutes season 40 episode 4, the show explores three different topics in depth. First, they discuss Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas and his unique views on the court and his responsibilities as a justice. Thomas has been on the Supreme Court for over 30 years and is known for being incredibly private and reserved. In this episode, we get a rare look at his personality and worldview.

The second segment of the episode focuses on the tragic death of 4-year-old Rebecca Riley, who died in 2006 due to an overdose of prescription drugs. Her parents, who were also her doctors, were convicted of her murder. 60 Minutes investigates how this could have happened and what warning signs were missed that could have saved Rebecca's life.

The third and final segment of the episode is called "Invincible" and explores the extreme sport of wingsuit flying. This sport involves jumping off a mountain or tall building in a special suit that allows the person to glide through the air like a bird or airplane. The risks are incredibly high, but the participants believe the reward is worth it.

Throughout the episode, 60 Minutes offers deep and insightful reporting on each of these topics, giving viewers a chance to learn about subjects they may not be familiar with. Whether you're interested in politics, true crime, or extreme sports, this episode has something for everyone. So, it's a must-watch episode for those who want to explore different stories.

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  • First Aired
    September 30, 2007
  • Language