60 Minutes Season 40 Episode 8
60 Minutes
Season 40

Ep 8. Bombing Afghanistan, What's With the Bees?, Sarko L'Americain

  • October 28, 2007

The show 60 Minutes season 40 episode 8 features three distinct segments, each covering a different topic. The first segment, titled "Bombing Afghanistan," focuses on the ongoing conflict in Afghanistan and the US's efforts to combat terrorism in the region. Correspondent Lara Logan interviews high-ranking military officials and intelligence experts to gain insight into the complex issues surrounding the conflict and the challenges facing US forces.

The second segment, "What's With the Bees?" explores the mysterious phenomenon of Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD), a condition that has been decimating bee populations around the world. Correspondent Steve Kroft interviews beekeepers, scientists, and environmentalists to better understand the cause of CCD and its potential impact on food production.

The third and final segment, "Sarko L'Americain," examines the controversial relationship between former French President Nicolas Sarkozy and the US government. Correspondent Bob Simon interviews French officials and political analysts to uncover the details of Sarkozy's close ties to the US and the implications of his pro-American policies for France and the wider world.

Overall, fans of 60 Minutes are sure to find this episode thought-provoking and informative, offering a deep dive into some of the most pressing issues of our time. From the ongoing conflict in Afghanistan to the critical importance of bee populations to the complicated world of international politics, this episode covers a wide range of topics with characteristic thoroughness and insight.

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  • First Aired
    October 28, 2007
  • Language