Alaskan Bush People: Brown Family Bonds Season 1 Episode 7

Ep 7. Bear With Us

  • June 10, 2017

The Brown Family Bonds season 1 episode 7 of Alaskan Bush People is titled "Bear With Us." This episode follows the Brown family as they face unexpected challenges in the wilderness. While trying to gather crucial supplies ahead of winter, the Browns must contend with a pesky bear that keeps raiding their campsite. As the family struggles to protect their food and equipment, tensions begin to rise.

The Brown family consists of parents Billy and Ami and their seven children, all of whom have been raised in the wilds of Alaska without modern amenities. In "Bear With Us," viewers get a closer look at the family dynamics that have shaped the Browns' unique lifestyle. Billy is a strong and stoic patriarch, while Ami is the heart of the family, providing comfort and support to her children. The eldest son, Matt, is a skilled outdoorsman who is often tasked with finding food and supplies for the family, while the youngest son, Noah, is a creative genius who builds intricate inventions out of scrap metal.

One of the main storylines of this episode revolves around the bear that keeps raiding the Brown family's campsite. The family must come up with creative ways to outsmart the bear and protect their supplies. This involves building elaborate traps, hanging food high in trees, and setting up food decoys to distract the bear. As they work to outwit the bear, tensions begin to mount within the family. The younger children are scared, while the older siblings feel the weight of responsibility on their shoulders.

Meanwhile, the winter is quickly approaching, and the Brown family must prepare for the harsh conditions that come with living in the Alaskan wilderness. They must gather enough supplies to last them through the winter, including food, firewood, and other necessities. This means venturing out into the wild to hunt, fish, and gather what they need. The family also spends time building and repairing their shelter, fortifying it against the cold and snow.

As the episode progresses, viewers get a deeper understanding of the Brown family's bond and the sacrifices they make to live the way they do. The family is strong and resilient, but they are not immune to the challenges of living in the wilderness. They face setbacks and disappointments, but they persevere through it all, relying on one another for support.

Overall, "Bear With Us" is a compelling episode of Alaskan Bush People that showcases the Brown family's unique lifestyle and the challenges they face in the wilds of Alaska. It is a testament to the strength of family bonds and the resilience of the human spirit. Viewers will be drawn into the drama and excitement of the Brown family's adventures and be left eager to see what challenges they will face next.

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  • First Aired
    June 10, 2017
  • Language