Biography Specials Season 1 Episode 19

Ep 19. Queen Latifah

  • May 9, 2010

Queen Latifah is a woman of many talents. She first rose to fame as a rapper in the late 1980s, with her socially conscious lyrics and strong feminist message. But she quickly branched out into acting, becoming a beloved figure on both the big and small screens. This episode of Biography Specials takes an in-depth look at her life and career, exploring how she became such a powerful force in so many different areas.

The episode begins with a look at Queen Latifah's childhood. She was born Dana Owens in Newark, New Jersey, and grew up in a tough neighborhood where she was often exposed to violence and drugs. But despite the challenges she faced, Owens was a bright and creative child. She loved music, and would often sing and perform for her friends and family. Her mother was a teacher, and encouraged her to pursue her interests in the arts.

As a teenager, Owens began writing her own music. She was drawn to rap, which was still a relatively new phenomenon at the time. But she also wanted to use her music as a way to address social issues like poverty, racism, and violence against women. She adopted the stage name "Queen Latifah," which means "delicate and very kind" in Arabic, and released her first album, All Hail the Queen, in 1989. The album was critically acclaimed and helped establish her as one of the most important voices in hip-hop at the time.

From there, the episode explores Queen Latifah's evolution as an artist. She continued to release successful albums throughout the 1990s, including Black Reign, which featured the hit single "U.N.I.T.Y." She also began to dabble in acting, starring in films like Juice and Jungle Fever. But it was her role in the 1996 film Set It Off that really catapulted her to fame as an actress. She played Cleo, a tough and charismatic bank robber, and earned widespread praise for her performance.

The episode goes on to explore Queen Latifah's later career successes. She continued to act, earning an Oscar nomination for her role in the 2002 film Chicago. But she also branched out into other areas, like television hosting. She has hosted her own talk show, The Queen Latifah Show, and has appeared as a judge on reality shows like American Idol. She has also become a successful producer, working on projects like the hit TV series Living Single.

Throughout her career, Queen Latifah has remained committed to social justice causes. She has used her platform to advocate for LGBTQ+ rights, women's health, and issues affecting people of color. The episode explores how she has continued to use her music and her voice to make a difference, even as she has become one of the most successful and influential figures in the entertainment industry.

Overall, the Queen Latifah episode of Biography Specials is a fascinating look at the life and career of a true icon. Queen Latifah's talent, versatility, and commitment to social justice have made her a beloved figure for over three decades. This episode does a great job of capturing her spirit and giving viewers a deeper understanding of what has made her such an enduring force in popular culture.

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  • First Aired
    May 9, 2010
  • Language