Bring It! Season 6 Episode 4
Bring It!
Season 6

Ep 4. Survival of the Fittest

  • March 15, 2021

Bring It! Season 6 Episode 4, titled "Survival of the Fittest," follows the Dancing Dolls as they prepare for a fierce competition. The episode starts with a focused and determined Dianna Williams, the coach of the Dancing Dolls, setting high expectations for her team as they work towards victory.

As the competition date approaches, the Dancing Dolls go head to head against one of their toughest rivals, the Ladies of Excellence. The two teams showcase their best moves in multiple rounds including hip-hop, jazz, and majorette dance, leaving the judges with a tough decision to make.

Meanwhile, the parents of the Dancing Dolls show their unwavering support by attending every practice and competition. The mothers of the Dancing Dolls lend their expertise by helping the girls with their hair and makeup, ensuring that they look flawless on stage.

Throughout the episode, tensions run high as the Dancing Dolls experience challenges and setbacks. However, Dianna pushes the team to persevere, reminding them that the competition is not about winning, but rather about pushing themselves to be their very best.

The episode comes to a climax as the Dancing Dolls and Ladies of Excellence face each other in the final round. With both teams bringing their A-game, the judges have difficulty making a decision on who should be crowned the champion.

In the end, the competition is fierce, but the Dancing Dolls emerge victorious. There are tears of joy and hugs all around as the team celebrates their hard work and perseverance.

Overall, Bring It! Season 6 Episode 4 is an exciting and inspiring episode that showcases the talent and determination of the Dancing Dolls. It is a must-watch for anyone who loves dance, competition, or just a good dose of girl power.

Watch Bring It! - Survival of the Fittest (s6 e4) Online - Watch online anytime: Stream, Download, Buy, Rent
Bring It!, Season 6 Episode 4, is available to watch free on Tubi TV and stream on Lifetime. You can also stream, download, buy, rent Bring It! on demand at Disney+ online.
  • First Aired
    March 15, 2021
  • Language