Charlie Rose Season 18 Episode 19
Charlie Rose
Season 18

Ep 19. Live Analysis of President Obama's State of the Union Address

  • Not Rated
  • January 27, 2010
  • 60 min

On this episode of Charlie Rose, we witness an insightful live analysis of President Obama's State of the Union Address. The 18th season of the show brings forth a stellar panel of experts who dissect each and every aspect of the most significant political speech of the year.

Host Charlie Rose begins with remarks on the significance of the State of the Union Address and the impact it has on American politics. He then introduces the panelists, who are all accomplished journalists and political analysts. The panelists include:

- Mark Halperin, managing editor of Bloomberg Politics - Al Hunt, executive editor of Bloomberg News - Tamara Keith, White House correspondent for National Public Radio - Amy Walter, national editor of The Cook Political Report

Together, they analyze President Obama's speech from various angles - from domestic issues such as employment and education to foreign policy. The experts delve into the nuances of each topic, providing context and historical background where necessary.

The panelists commend President Obama for his strong stance on issues such as economic growth, climate change, and gun control. They discuss the impact of the Affordable Care Act, commonly known as Obamacare, and how it has brought about a significant change in the healthcare sector. The discussion also touches upon issues such as gender equality and immigration reform.

The experts raise pertinent questions and offer their own opinions on various issues throughout the analysis. The conversation is lively and engaging, with each of the panelists bringing their own expertise to the discussion. For instance, Tamara Keith provides insight into the inner workings of the White House, having covered it as a journalist for years. Amy Walter brings her extensive knowledge of polls and electoral trends to the table.

The discussion also includes several moments of levity, with the panelists exchanging jokes and anecdotes. They discuss the political celebrity status of the First Lady, Michelle Obama, and how her fashion choices have become a topic of national interest.

Throughout the analysis, Charlie Rose plays the role of a facilitator, steering the conversation and offering his own observations where necessary. He brings up important topics such as the rise of income inequality in the country and the need for balance between security and privacy in the fight against terrorism.

The analysis is interspersed with clips from President Obama's speech, providing the viewers with a valuable context to the discussion. The panelists analyze and interpret the speech, drawing attention to key passages and themes.

Overall, the live analysis of President Obama's State of the Union Address on Charlie Rose season 18 episode 19 is a must-watch for anyone interested in American politics. The panel of experts provides insightful commentary, shedding light on the issues and challenges facing the country. The discussion is nuanced, balanced, and informative, making it an essential watch for anyone seeking to understand the state of the union.

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  • First Aired
    January 27, 2010
  • Content Rating
    Not Rated
  • Runtime
    60 min
  • Language