Code Geass Season 2 Episode 10
Code Geass
Season 2

Ep 10. When the Shen-Hu Shines

  • TV14
  • June 15, 2008

Code Geass season 2 episode 10, titled "When the Shen-Hu Shines," takes place amidst the tension-filled atmosphere of Area 11. The Black Knights, an anti-Britannian group led by Lelouch vi Britannia, is on the brink of collapse after the unexpected defection of one of their key members, Diethard Reid. Meanwhile, Britannia mounts a large-scale assault on the Saitama ghetto with the intent of eradicating all resistance.

The episode opens with a flashback of Lelouch and his half-sister, Nunnally, discussing their goals for the future. As they admire the beauty of the stars, Nunnally expresses her desire for a peaceful world, where people can coexist without hate and violence. Lelouch, however, believes that change can only be achieved through force and manipulation. This conversation sets the tone for the episode, as Lelouch is forced to confront the limits of his power and the morality of his actions.

The main plot of the episode concerns the Shen-Hu, a new prototype Knightmare Frame developed by the Chinese Federation. The Shen-Hu is a formidable weapon that combines incredible speed, agility, and offensive capabilities with advanced stealth technology. The Black Knights hope to acquire the Shen-Hu in order to use it against Britannia, but the Chinese Federation is hesitant to share their technology with a group they view as terrorists.

Lelouch, recognizing the opportunity to strengthen their position, offers to stage a mock battle between the Black Knights and the Chinese Federation. The battle would serve as a test for the Shen-Hu, and the winner would earn the right to use the prototype. Lelouch hopes to use his Geass, a supernatural power that allows him to control minds, to sway the outcome of the battle in their favor.

Meanwhile, Nunnally, who is now the Governor-general of Area 11, endeavors to create a peaceful dialogue between the warring factions. She meets with the Chinese emissary, Li Xingke, and implores him to find a peaceful solution to the conflict. Li Xingke agrees to consider her proposal, but his loyalty to the Chinese Federation complicates his desire for peace.

The climactic battle takes place on a deserted island, with both sides fielding their most advanced Knightmare Frames. The Shen-Hu, piloted by Li Xingke, proves to be a formidable opponent, easily evading the attacks of the Black Knights. Lelouch's plan, however, begins to unravel when he discovers that the Chinese Federation has developed a countermeasure to his Geass. This realization sends Lelouch into a panic, as he is forced to confront the fact that his power has limitations.

The battle reaches its climax when the Shen-Hu faces off against Lelouch's own Knightmare Frame, the Gawain. In a moment of desperation, Lelouch abandons his plan and orders the Gawain to self-destruct. The resulting explosion engulfs the Shen-Hu and severely damages Li Xingke's Frame.

The episode ends on a bittersweet note, as both sides are left to contemplate the costs of their actions. Nunnally laments the violence and suffering caused by the conflict and implores Lelouch to find a way to end it. Lelouch, meanwhile, reflects on the limitations of his power and the morality of his actions. The episode sets the stage for the remainder of the season, as Lelouch and the Black Knights are forced to confront the consequences of their rebellion.

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  • First Aired
    June 15, 2008
  • Content Rating
  • Language