Conan Season 2019 Episode 115
Season 2019

Ep 115. Giancarlo Esposito

  • December 11, 2019

Conan O'Brien's talk show continues its 2019 season with episode 115 featuring actor Giancarlo Esposito as the guest of the night. Esposito is known for his captivating performances in popular television shows such as Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul and The Mandalorian, and as such, he brings a wealth of experience and insight to the show.

As usual, Conan opens the show with his trademark humor, poking fun at current events and pop culture. The audience is in high spirits, laughing and clapping along. Before long, Esposito makes his entrance to a warm welcome. He takes a seat beside Conan and the two get straight into the conversation.

The interview begins with Esposito discussing his early years as an actor. Born in Copenhagen and raised in the US, he found his passion for acting at a young age and pursued it relentlessly. He talks about the challenges he faced as a person of color in the industry and how he worked hard to overcome them.

The conversation then moves onto Esposito's breakout role as the infamous Gus Fring in the hit television series Breaking Bad. He reveals the thought process behind his portrayal of the character and the impact it has had on his career. Conan and Esposito delve into the overarching themes of the show and its legacy in the world of television.

Esposito also touches upon his involvement in the Star Wars franchise with his role as Moff Gideon in The Mandalorian. He shares his excitement at being a part of such a beloved universe and the fan reaction to his character. Conan quips about his own obsession with Star Wars and the two trade jokes about their favorite moments from the films.

As the interview draws to a close, Esposito reflects on his extensive career and the lessons he's learned along the way. He shares his advice for aspiring young actors and encourages them to stay true to themselves in the face of adversity.

The episode is rounded off with a fun game segment, featuring Esposito and Conan taking turns impersonating famous actors and characters. The audience is thoroughly entertained as the two go back and forth, trying to outdo each other with their impressions.

Overall, Conan season 2019 episode 115 with Giancarlo Esposito is a must-watch for fans of the actor and anyone interested in the behind-the-scenes workings of the entertainment industry. Conan's easy humor combined with Esposito's charm and talent make for a delightful viewing experience.

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  • First Aired
    December 11, 2019
  • Language