Conan Season 5 Episode 155
Season 5

Ep 155. Sarah Silverman, Paige, Megan Gailey

  • October 22, 2015

Conan season 5 episode 155 features Sarah Silverman, Paige, and Megan Gailey as the guests on Conan O'Brien's late-night talk show. The episode kicks off with Conan engaging in some humorous banter with his guests as he introduces them to the audience.

Sarah Silverman, the stand-up comedian and actress, starts off the conversation by talking about her new show, "I Love You, America," which is all about connecting with people of different political beliefs. Silverman also opens up about her personal life and discusses how she recently underwent surgery for a rare medical condition. Despite the pain she's been in, she manages to keep the conversation light and funny throughout.

Next up is Paige, a professional wrestler, who talks about her recent hiatus from WWE and how she spent that time training and perfecting her wrestling moves. Paige also shares her thoughts on the current state of women's wrestling, and how she's excited to see more women taking the sport seriously and making strides in the industry.

Finally, Megan Gailey, a stand-up comedian, joins Conan on the couch to talk about her experiences as a woman in comedy. She discusses the challenges she's faced along the way, from dealing with hecklers to overcoming her own self-doubt. Gailey also talks about her upcoming comedy tour and the material she plans to cover during her shows.

Throughout the episode, Conan keeps the conversation flowing smoothly, eliciting laughs and interesting insights from his guests. He also takes breaks to showcase some funny clips and sketches, including a hilarious parody of a cooking show that involves a lot of bodily fluid jokes.

Overall, Conan season 5 episode 155 is a fun and lighthearted take on late-night talk shows, with a mix of humor and sincerity that will keep viewers engaged from start to finish. Sarah Silverman, Paige, and Megan Gailey all bring their unique perspectives and personalities to the show, resulting in a great conversation that highlights the diverse talents and experiences of today's entertainment industry.

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  • First Aired
    October 22, 2015
  • Language