Conan Season 7 Episode 108
Season 7

Ep 108. The Cast of "Bright", The Stars of "Supernatural"

  • July 19, 2017

In season 7 episode 108 of Conan, the show welcomes two groups of guests: the cast of the movie "Bright" and the stars of the TV show "Supernatural".

First, Will Smith, Joel Edgerton, and Noomi Rapace from the Netflix movie "Bright" join Conan on stage. They discuss the challenges of creating a new world for the movie and working with director David Ayer. They also talk about their experiences on set and share some behind-the-scenes stories.

Next, Conan welcomes the stars of "Supernatural" Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, and Misha Collins. They discuss the long run of the show and the fandom that has grown around it. They also share some of their favorite moments from the series and talk about the close relationships they have formed with each other and the cast and crew.

Throughout the episode, there are plenty of laughs and jokes shared between Conan and his guests. Fans of both "Bright" and "Supernatural" will enjoy hearing from the cast and getting a behind-the-scenes look at these popular productions.

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  • First Aired
    July 19, 2017
  • Language