Evolve Your Practice - A Guide To Beginner & Advanced Yoga Poses

Watch Evolve Your Practice - A Guide To Beginner & Advanced Yoga Poses

  • 2019
  • 1 Season

Evolve Your Practice - A Guide To Beginner & Advanced Yoga Poses is a comprehensive yoga instructional series created by Target Public Media LLC and starring Jess Timsit. The show is designed to guide viewers through a variety of yoga poses, from beginner to advanced levels, allowing them to progress their practice and deepen their understanding of yoga.

Jess Timsit is an experienced and passionate yoga instructor, who brings a wealth of knowledge to every episode. Her clear and concise instruction, combined with her enthusiasm for yoga, creates a welcoming and encouraging environment for viewers to learn and grow in their practice.

The show is structured into several episodes, each focusing on a particular aspect of yoga practice. Each episode begins with a brief introduction, where Jess explains the focus of the session and clarifies any important details about the poses to come. She then leads viewers through a series of poses, explaining the alignment, breath work, and modifications for each as needed.

The beginner episodes offer a gentle and accessible introduction to yoga, with a focus on building strength and mobility. Jess begins with foundational poses, such as downward facing dog and warrior II, and gradually progresses to more challenging poses like crow and headstand. She offers modifications for each pose, making the practice accessible to all levels of ability.

As the series progresses, Jess moves into more advanced postures, including arm balances, inversions, and deep backbends. Each episode is challenging yet accessible, allowing viewers to deepen their practice and push their boundaries in a safe and supportive environment.

Throughout each episode, Jess reminds viewers to listen to their bodies, encouraging them to honor any limitations they may have and offering modifications as needed. She also emphasizes the importance of breath work, guiding viewers to cultivate a steady and mindful breath in each pose.

In addition to the physical practice, Evolve Your Practice - A Guide To Beginner & Advanced Yoga Poses also incorporates elements of meditation and mindfulness. Jess encourages viewers to stay present in the moment and to cultivate a sense of calm and focus throughout their practice.

Overall, Evolve Your Practice - A Guide To Beginner & Advanced Yoga Poses is an excellent resource for anyone looking to deepen their yoga practice. With clear and concise instruction, Jess Timsit guides viewers through a variety of poses, offering modifications and encouraging a safe and mindful practice. Whether you are new to yoga or an experienced practitioner, this series offers something for everyone, inviting viewers to evolve their practice both on and off the mat.

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Wheel Pose - Urdva Dhanurasana
7. Wheel Pose - Urdva Dhanurasana
June 15, 2017
This video goes through Urdva Dhanurasana or wheel pose. This video tackles a more advanced pose so make sure you have properly warmed up and stretched before attempting this.
Crow Pose - Bakasana
6. Crow Pose - Bakasana
June 15, 2017
In this video jess breaks down Bakasana or crow pose, and helps you understand and learn how to do it safely.
Headstand - Sirsasana
5. Headstand - Sirsasana
June 15, 2017
In this video Jess will show you how to do supported headstand or sirsasana.
Back Strength
4. Back Strength
February 21, 2019
This video focuses on back strengthening poses, as well as improving posture, spinal flexibility and relieving back pain.
3. Warriors
February 21, 2019
Part 3 is a Warrior breakdown. Warriors are essential to any yoga practice, really emphasizing the leg muscles, glute muscles and getting a full body stretch.
Sun Salutation B
2. Sun Salutation B
February 21, 2019
Part 2 breaks down Sun Salutation B. Don't worry if you haven't seen part 1, Jess goes through each movement thoroughly.
Sun Salutation A
1. Sun Salutation A
February 21, 2019
In part 1 Jess Breaks down Sun Salutation A, which is essential for any yoga practice, so that you can maximize each pose and also get a full body workout.
  • Premiere Date
    February 21, 2019