Hogan's Heroes Season 2 Episode 2
Hogan's Heroes
Season 2

Ep 2. The Schultz Brigade

  • September 23, 1966
  • 25 min
  • 7.9  (160)

Hogan's Heroes season 2 episode 2, titled "The Schultz Brigade", is a comical and entertaining episode that adds to the overall charm of the series. The episode revolves around the witty and cunning Colonel Hogan, who along with his team of POWs, devises yet another plan to outsmart the bumbling Colonel Klink and the unsuspecting German forces.

Hogan hatches a plot to create a "Schultz Brigade" by convincing Schultz, the bumbling but kind-hearted German sergeant in charge of their barracks, to help smuggle goods and supplies in and out of the camp. The plan seems to be working perfectly, and Hogan is able to acquire a radio to contact London with the help of Schultz's aid. However, things do not go as smoothly as planned, and when Klink finds out about the Schultz Brigade, he decides to investigate.

What follows is a hilarious series of twists and turns as Klink and Schultz's efforts to uncover the Schultz Brigade's activities clash with Hogan's cunning strategies to stay one step ahead of them. The episode features some standout performances from the central cast, particularly Richard Dawson as Newkirk, who gets to showcase his talent for accents and impersonations.

One of the most enjoyable aspects of "The Schultz Brigade" is the interplay between Hogan and Schultz, who despite being on opposite sides of the conflict, share a deep, if somewhat lopsided, friendship. Hogan, played with charm and wit by Bob Crane, is able to manipulate Schultz to further his own agenda, but it is also evident that he genuinely cares for the simple-minded Sergeant.

Similarly, Schultz, played with infectious affability by John Banner, is a character who gradually grows on you with his good-natured antics and occasional displays of loyalty to the POWs. His scenes with Klink, played with perfectly timed pomposity by Werner Klemperer, are also highlights of the episode, with their verbal sparring and physical comedy leaving many moments of genuine laughter.

Overall, "The Schultz Brigade" is a solid episode that adds another layer of humor and character work to the already successful series. The writing is sharp and the pacing is snappy, ensuring that the jokes and gags never overstay their welcome. The performances are also uniformly excellent, with each member of the central cast getting their chance to shine.

While the episode may not provide any particular groundbreaking moments in terms of plot, it is a fun and enjoyable outing that showcases the best aspects of Hogan's Heroes as a series. For fans of classic sitcoms and WW2-comedies, "The Schultz Brigade" is definitely a must-watch.

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Hogan's Heroes, Season 2 Episode 2, is available to watch free on Pluto TV and stream on CBS. You can also stream, download, buy, rent Hogan's Heroes on demand at Amazon Prime online.
  • First Aired
    September 23, 1966
  • Runtime
    25 min
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    7.9  (160)