Horseland Season 1 Episode 24
Season 1

Ep 24. International Sarah

  • November 24, 2007
  • 21 min
  •   (5)

In the episode "International Sarah" of Horseland season 1, the gang at Horseland is excited to welcome a new rider to their stable. Her name is Sarah and she is visiting from England. Sarah comes from a long line of equestrians and is excited to show off her skills to her American counterparts.

As soon as Sarah arrives, all eyes are on her and her horse, Prince. Sarah is a skilled rider and immediately impresses the Horseland crew with her ability to handle her horse. Scarlet is especially impressed and takes it upon herself to befriend Sarah and show her around Horseland.

As they get to know each other, Sarah reveals that she is struggling with the decision of whether or not to leave Prince behind when she returns home. Her family is moving to London and she doesn't know if she can bear to leave her beloved horse behind. Scarlet can empathize with Sarah's plight and tries to help her make the decision that is right for her.

Meanwhile, the rest of the gang is excited to compete against Sarah in a series of riding competitions. They're confident in their abilities and think they have a good chance at winning the top prize. However, they quickly realize that Sarah is not to be underestimated. She's a fierce competitor and gives them a run for their money.

As the competition heats up, the Horseland crew begins to notice that Sarah is behaving strangely. She's no longer her usual confident self and seems distracted. Scarlet tries to get to the bottom of what's troubling her and discovers that Sarah has made a decision about Prince.

Sarah has decided to leave Prince behind in America with his new friends and family. It's a tough decision, but one that she knows is best for Prince's future. Scarlet comforts her friend and reminds her that Prince will always be a part of her life, no matter where she is.

In the end, the competition comes down to a tie between Sarah and Chloe. They compete in a final race, with Prince and Scarlet's horse Chili leading the way. It's a thrilling race and in the end, Chloe wins by just a hair. Sarah is disappointed, but takes it all in stride. She's happy to have made new friends and had the opportunity to compete in a new place.

As Sarah prepares to leave Horseland, the gang showers her with gifts and well wishes. She promises to keep in touch and thanks them for an unforgettable experience. Scarlet and Sarah exchange a heartfelt goodbye, with Scarlet promising to take care of Prince in Sarah's absence.

The episode ends with the Horseland gang reflecting on their time with Sarah and looking forward to their next adventure.

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  • First Aired
    November 24, 2007
  • Runtime
    21 min
  • Language