House Hunters International Season 25 Episode 49

Ep 49. A New Start in Bogota, Colombia

  • March 6, 2012

A New Start in Bogota, Colombia - House Hunters International Season 25 Episode 49

In this exciting episode of House Hunters International, we follow an adventurous couple, Mark and Emily, as they embark on a new chapter of their lives in Bogota, Colombia. With dreams of starting fresh in a vibrant and culturally rich city, they are on the hunt for the perfect home that combines modern amenities with a touch of local charm.

Mark and Emily are no strangers to moving, having lived in several cities around the world due to their work as expatriates. This time, they have chosen Bogota as their next destination, drawn to its diverse culture, breathtaking landscapes, and emerging business opportunities. Determined to make this transition a meaningful one, they are eager to find a home that truly reflects their aspirations and values.

As the episode begins, Mark and Emily share their vision for the ideal home in Bogota. They prioritize safety, considering the city's reputation, and desire a neighborhood that offers a sense of community. They also hope to be close to Mark's workplace while still enjoying easy access to the heart of the city. With their budget in mind, they are ready to explore the real estate market and discover what Bogota has to offer.

Their first house-hunting adventure takes them to the lively neighborhood of La Candelaria, known for its colorful colonial architecture and cobblestone streets. Here, they visit a charming colonial-style home that exudes character and history. The couple is captivated by the uniqueness of the property, appreciating its large courtyard and the opportunity to bring their personal touch to its restoration. However, they wonder if the neighborhood will truly provide the sense of security they desire.

In their quest to find the perfect home, Mark and Emily also explore the modern district of Chapinero. Here, they visit a sleek and contemporary apartment located in a high-rise building that offers breathtaking views of the city. The couple is impressed by the building's amenities, including a rooftop pool and gym. The convenience of this location, with its proximity to Mark's workplace and trendy restaurants, seems appealing. However, they question if this modern lifestyle may lack the cultural authenticity they are looking for.

Continuing their search, Mark and Emily venture into the tranquil neighborhood of Usaquen, famous for its charming streets lined with cafes and boutiques. They visit a spacious townhouse with a cozy feel, surrounded by lush greenery. This property seems to strike a balance between the tranquility they crave and the vibrant city life they seek. Falling in love with the neighborhood's bohemian atmosphere, they can envision themselves blending into the local community. Nevertheless, they wonder if the commuting distance might become a challenge.

Finally, Mark and Emily set their sights on the up-and-coming neighborhood of Zona G, an area renowned for its culinary scene and trendy vibe. They step into a contemporary apartment with an open floor plan, flooded with natural light. The modern design and close proximity to gourmet restaurants appeal to their desire for a cosmopolitan lifestyle. However, they debate if this neighborhood will offer the community atmosphere they long for.

With each property visit, Mark and Emily find themselves torn between the allure of different neighborhoods and the charm of distinct architectural styles. Ultimately, they face the difficult decision of choosing the home that best aligns with their vision for a new start in Bogota.

Join us on this episode of House Hunters International, as Mark and Emily weigh the pros and cons of each property and navigate the exciting and transformative process of finding their dream home in Bogota, Colombia. Will they be able to find the perfect balance between modern living and cultural immersion?

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  • First Aired
    March 6, 2012
  • Language