House Hunters International Season 27 Episode 172

Ep 172. A Young Couple Leaves the Security of their Hometown for a New Life in Potsdam, Germany

  • November 19, 2013

A Young Couple Leaves the Security of their Hometown for a New Life in Potsdam, Germany follows the journey of a young couple, Jenna and Alex, as they decide to take the leap and move from their hometown in the United States to the historic city of Potsdam, Germany.

Jenna and Alex have always had a passion for travel and adventure, but they had never imagined themselves leaving the comforts of their hometown. However, after doing some research and falling in love with the culture and stunning architecture of Potsdam, they decided to take the plunge and move abroad.

As they begin their hunt for the perfect home in Potsdam, Jenna and Alex must navigate the differences in the housing market and meet with various real estate agents to find the right fit for their needs. They are also faced with the challenge of finding an apartment that is both affordable and in a convenient location for their daily commutes.

Throughout their search, Jenna and Alex are constantly reminded of the amazing opportunities that come with living in a city like Potsdam. They visit local markets and shops, sample German cuisine, and immerse themselves in the city's rich history and culture.

As they weigh their options and narrow down their choices, Jenna and Alex must also consider the impact that their move will have on their family and friends back home. They work through their fears and apprehensions, ultimately deciding that the benefits of living in Potsdam far outweigh any potential drawbacks.

In the end, Jenna and Alex find the perfect home to start their new life in Potsdam and are excited to embrace all of the challenges and adventures that lie ahead. A Young Couple Leaves the Security of their Hometown for a New Life in Potsdam, Germany is a heartwarming and inspiring episode that showcases the rewards of taking risks and following your dreams.

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  • First Aired
    November 19, 2013
  • Language