House Hunters International Season 89 Episode 10

Ep 10. Sydneys Skyline

  • January 1, 1970
  • 20 min

As the title suggests, in this episode of House Hunters International, viewers will follow the journey of a couple looking for the perfect apartment with the best view of the stunning Sydney skyline. The episode is the tenth installment of the 89th season of the show.

The episode begins with a couple from the United States moving to Sydney, Australia for work. They have been saving for years to be able to move to the city and have finally made it happen. However, they quickly realize that finding the perfect apartment overlooking the city's skyline is easier said than done.

The couple's budget is quite high, which means they have plenty of options to choose from. However, finding the perfect mix of location, view, and amenities proves to be quite the challenge. They employ the help of a real estate agent who takes them to several apartments across the city's popular neighborhoods, including Bondi Beach and Surry Hills.

Throughout the episode, viewers get a sense of the couple's personalities and priorities as they explore different apartment options. One apartment is in the heart of the city, with a stunning view of the harbor and opera house, but lacks some of the modern amenities that the couple wanted, such as a gym and a pool. Another apartment has all of the bells and whistles they were looking for, but is slightly out of their preferred location.

As they tour each apartment, the couple discusses what they like and don't like about each place. They talk about the importance of having a balcony or outdoor space to take in the city's stunning scenery, as well as the need for a modern kitchen and ample storage space.

Aside from the apartment search, viewers also get a glimpse into the couple's personal life and their reasons for moving to Sydney. They discuss their hopes and expectations for their new life in the city, and the challenges they might face being so far away from their friends and family back home.

Towards the end of the episode, the couple comes to a decision on which apartment to choose. Viewers will have to watch to find out which one they pick! Throughout the episode, viewers are treated to stunning views of the Sydney skyline and the city's bustling neighborhoods.

Overall, this episode of House Hunters International provides a fascinating look into the challenges of finding the perfect apartment in a new city, as well as the emotions that come with starting a new life abroad. It's a must-see for anyone interested in international real estate and the expat experience.

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  • First Aired
    January 1, 1970
  • Runtime
    20 min
  • Language