Indivisible - Healing Hate

Watch Indivisible - Healing Hate

  • 2022
  • 1 Season

Indivisible - Healing Hate is a new Paramount+ docuseries that explores the complex issue of hate in America and offers a path forward for healing and unity. The show is hosted by television personality and civil rights advocate, Darrell Davis, who has spent his career working to promote racial reconciliation and justice.

The series is comprised of four distinct episodes, each focusing on a particular area where hate has taken root in America. The first episode, "White Supremacy," delves into the history and current state of white supremacist groups in America, offering interviews with former members of these groups and experts on white nationalism. Through these interviews, viewers gain insight into the ideologies that underpin white supremacy and the damage that these groups have inflicted on communities of color.

The second episode, "Religious Extremism," explores hate groups that claim religious motivation, such as Islamic extremist groups and Christian-based hate groups. This episode provides an in-depth look at the history and motivations behind these groups, as well as the ways in which they target vulnerable individuals for recruitment.

The third episode, "Anti-Semitism," deals specifically with the rise of anti-Semitic hate crimes in America. Through interviews with Jewish community leaders and members of impacted communities, viewers gain an understanding of the unique ways in which anti-Semitism manifests and spreads in American society.

The final episode, "Hate in Politics," explores how hate speech and divisive rhetoric have become normalized in American political discourse. This episode includes interviews with political analysts, lawmakers, and individuals impacted by hate speech, who discuss the impact of these narratives in shaping public opinion and discourse.

Throughout the series, Indivisible - Healing Hate offers a message of hope and unity, providing examples of successful initiatives and strategies for promoting healing and reconciliation. From grassroots efforts at community building to large-scale programs aimed at engaging youth in anti-hate initiatives, the show highlights the diversity of approaches being taken to combat hate in America.

What sets Indivisible - Healing Hate apart from other shows that tackle similar topics is its emphasis on individual stories and perspectives. By highlighting the stories of those who have been impacted by hate and providing a platform for those who have worked to promote reconciliation, the show takes an empathetic approach to understanding the complex issues at play.

Overall, Indivisible - Healing Hate is a timely and important docuseries that tackles some of the most pressing issues facing America today. Through its engaging and informative storytelling, the show offers viewers a way to better understand the impact of hate and a path forward towards unity and reconciliation.

Indivisible - Healing Hate
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Healing Hate
6. Healing Hate
February 9, 2021
This episode explores equipping the mainstream with tools to resist the propaganda from the fringes. Training social workers, teachers and therapists, learning about extremism, terrorism, prevention and radicalization. Former extremists say stay out of the echo chambers of a single point of view and the flood of disinformation. Conversations can heal the fissures that have arisen, don't disparage the far left or far right, understand there's real suffering and pain that's driving individuals.
Open Hatred
5. Open Hatred
February 2, 2021
Political and racial tensions reach a boiling point in 2017 with the deadly Unite the Right Rally in Charlottesville, a shocking public display of extremist violence that became normalized under President Trump after 8 years of growing resentment during the Obama administration. The rally's impact is explored from the perspective of a white nationalist, an anti-fascist, and victim Heather Heyer's mother. Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio turns himself into authorities for his crimes prior to January 6.
Dying For A Cause
4. Dying For A Cause
January 26, 2021
Infamous extremist Robert Mathews of the white supremacist group, The Order, considered by experts as the most dangerous domestic terror group in U.S. history, is killed in a deadly shootout on Whidbey Island, turning him into a hero and a martyr. His followers return to the island each year to honor his death. The extreme right continues to use individuals like Mathews, Timothy McVeigh and Ashli Babbitt as propaganda for their dangerous cause.
Rogue Warrior
3. Rogue Warrior
January 19, 2021
Young army veteran Timothy McVeigh becomes so disillusioned with the U.S. government he once swore to defend that he commits the deadliest act of domestic terrorism to date by blowing up the Alfred P. Murrah federal building in Oklahoma City, killing 168 people and becoming a hero to future extremists. The father of a woman killed in the attack seeks understanding and offers forgiveness 27 years later.
Live Free Or Die
2. Live Free Or Die
January 12, 2021
A peaceful apocalyptic religious community converts to a paramilitary force of white supremacists preparing for racial warfare. Fatal standoffs with the FBI create a legend of martyrs: Randy Weaver's wife and child at Ruby Ridge; and 20 children at Waco in a fire that ends in a showdown with David Koresh. Timothy McVeigh wanted revenge - and got it by blowing up a federal building in Oklahoma City. This anti-government rage is at work on January 6th as far right extremists storm the Capitol.
Rage Revealed
1. Rage Revealed
January 5, 2022
What motivated extremists to commit shocking acts of anger and violence at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021? To begin answering this complicated question, we explore the stories of 2 Americans whose lives were touched by radical ideologies: a former violent skinhead who was radicalized at the infamous white supremacist compound Aryan Nations, and a real estate agent who decided to go on the offensive after her family was 'doxed' by followers of a prominent neo-Nazi website.
  • Premiere Date
    January 5, 2022