Ink Master: Redemption Season 1 Episode 4

Ep 4. Fool Me Twice

  • September 29, 2015

Ink Master: Redemption season 1 episode 4 is titled "Fool Me Twice" and follows the journey of three former contestants of the original Ink Master show who return for a chance at redemption. All three artists have a point to prove and a score to settle after their initial stint on the show, where they fell short of their own expectations.

The episode begins with each artist arriving at the Ink Master shop, greeted by the host and judges. The artists are excited to be back, but also nervous as they know the stakes are high. Any mistake could mean the end of their redemption journey.

The first artist, Ash, was eliminated in season five of the original show after failing to impress the judges with his shading techniques. Ash is determined to showcase his improved skills and prove to the judges that he is a changed artist. He is tasked with creating a black and grey portrait of a celebrity, and he chooses to depict Tupac Shakur. His attention to detail and shading skills impress the judges, and the final result is a stunning portrait. They commend him on his improvement and tell him that he has made a strong case for himself.

The second artist, Robbie, was eliminated in season six of the original show after struggling with fine line work. Robbie is determined to redeem himself and showcase his ability to create intricate designs. He is tasked with creating a fine line tattoo of an animal, and he chooses a realistic depiction of a jellyfish. His skills impress the judges, who are amazed at the level of detail he was able to create. They tell him that he has come a long way since his time on the original show and that he has a strong chance of redemption.

The third artist, Jake, was eliminated in season seven of the original show after struggling with proportion and composition. Jake is determined to prove to the judges that he has been working hard on his weaknesses and is ready for a second chance. He is tasked with creating a tattoo of a mythical creature, and he chooses the phoenix. His composition and attention to detail impress the judges, and they tell him that he has improved tremendously since his time on the original show.

The episode concludes with the judges deliberating on which artist deserves redemption the most. They discuss each artist's strengths and weaknesses and the improvements they have made since their previous time on the show. In the end, they decide to award redemption to Ash for his impressive improvement in shading and attention to detail.

Overall, Ink Master: Redemption season 1 episode 4 is an emotionally charged episode that showcases the artists' determination to prove themselves worthy of a second chance. The intense competition and high stakes make for an engaging and suspenseful viewing experience. Fans of the Ink Master franchise will not be disappointed by this exciting episode.

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  • First Aired
    September 29, 2015
  • Language