Joey Season 1 Episode 21
Season 1

Ep 21. Joey and the Spying

  • April 21, 2005
  • 21 min
  • 7.3  (328)

Joey season 1 episode 21 is entitled "Joey and the Spying." In this episode, Joey becomes suspicious of Michael's girlfriend, Gina, and begins spying on her after she starts acting strange around him. Meanwhile, Bobbie decides to enroll in a writing class and ends up attracting the attention of her handsome professor.

As the episode begins, Joey and Michael are hanging out at Joey's apartment when Gina shows up. She seems flustered and awkward around Joey, which sets off alarm bells in his head. Joey begins to suspect that Gina might be cheating on Michael and decides to investigate. He follows her around town and starts asking people who know her if they've seen her with anyone suspicious. Eventually, Joey's spy work leads him to an unexpected discovery about Gina's secret life.

Meanwhile, Bobbie decides to take a writing class to pursue her dream of becoming a writer. She ends up getting paired with a handsome professor named Sebastian, who takes a liking to her. Bobbie is thrilled to have a man interested in her, but she soon realizes that he might have ulterior motives. As the two get closer, Bobbie finds herself torn between her desire for him and her commitment to her writing career.

Throughout the episode, Joey's investigation into Gina's behavior gets increasingly ridiculous. He starts wearing disguises and eavesdropping on her conversations in public places. At one point, he even breaks into her apartment to snoop around. Meanwhile, Michael becomes more and more frustrated with Joey's antics and starts to suspect that his friend might be going crazy.

As the episode reaches its climax, Joey finally catches Gina in the act of cheating. He confronts her and demands that she come clean to Michael. However, his plan backfires when he discovers that Gina's secret is actually something far more innocent than he thought. Joey ends up apologizing to Gina and Michael, and the three of them make up.

Meanwhile, Bobbie realizes that Sebastian is only interested in her writing because he wants to use her work for his own gain. She confronts him in class and quits the course, vowing to pursue her writing career on her own terms.

"Joey and the Spying" is a humorous and touching episode that explores the themes of trust, betrayal, and pursuing one's dreams. It features strong performances from the entire cast, especially Matt LeBlanc as the hapless Joey and Andrea Anders as the conflicted Bobbie. Overall, it's a must-watch for fans of the show, and a great introduction to the world of Joey for newcomers.

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  • First Aired
    April 21, 2005
  • Runtime
    21 min
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    7.3  (328)