Life Story Season 1 Episode 9
Life Story
Season 1

Ep 9. Behind the Scenes of Home

  • 480 min

Behind the Scenes of Home is the ninth episode of the documentary series Life Story. The episode takes viewers on a fascinating journey into the world of animal architecture and the secrets behind building a home in the wild.

The episode begins with a look at the impressive and intricate homes built by animals, from the web of a spider to the great mound of an ant colony. Viewers are introduced to various animal architects, from the tiny and industrious leafcutter ants to the skilled builders of the beaver dam.

Throughout the episode, viewers are treated to incredible behind-the-scenes footage of the building process, showcasing the incredible skills and talents of these animal architects. From the initial gathering of materials to the final touches, the episode examines the impressive building process of each animal.

One of the most fascinating segments of the episode follows the construction of a beaver dam. Viewers are taken on a journey through the building process, as the beavers work together to create an incredible structure that helps to regulate their environment. The footage shows the beavers using their teeth and powerful bodies to cut down trees and move large branches, working tirelessly to create their impressive dam.

The episode also takes a closer look at the homes built by animals in more urban environments. Viewers are introduced to the fascinating world of animal architecture in human spaces, from the pigeons that nest on buildings to the squirrels that create homes in city parks. The episode explores how these animals have adapted to living in human environments and the unique challenges they face.

Throughout the episode, viewers learn about the incredible survival skills and instincts of these animal architects. While the process of building a home may seem complex, these animals have honed their skills over millions of years of evolution, creating incredible homes that help them to survive and thrive in their environments.

As the episode draws to a close, viewers are left with a newfound appreciation for the incredible skills of animal architects. With a greater understanding of the building process and the challenges these animals face, viewers can begin to see the world around them in a new light and appreciate the incredible diversity of life that exists on our planet.

Overall, Behind the Scenes of Home is a fascinating and informative episode of Life Story that offers a unique glimpse into the world of animal architecture. With incredible footage and insightful commentary, the episode is sure to leave viewers with a greater appreciation for the incredible skills and talents of our fellow creatures.

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  • Runtime
    480 min
  • Language