Lilias Yoga
Season 1

Ep 3. Using a Soft Belt

  • January 1, 1987
  • 27 min

Lilias Yoga season 1 episode 3, titled "Using a Soft Belt," is a gentle and calming episode that focuses on the use of a soft, flexible belt to enhance yoga practice. Hosted by Lilias Folan, a renowned yoga teacher, this episode begins by introducing viewers to the concept of using a belt in their practice.

Throughout the episode, Lilias guides viewers through a series of gentle stretches and poses, all of which are designed to help practitioners deepen their flexibility and improve their alignment. By using a soft belt, Lilias explains, practitioners can gently guide their bodies into proper alignment and deepen their stretches without putting undue strain on their muscles and joints.

The episode begins with a short relaxation sequence, during which Lilias encourages viewers to focus on their breath and release any tension they may be feeling. From there, viewers are guided through a series of standing and seated poses, including stretches for the hamstrings, hips, and shoulders.

One of the key benefits of using a soft belt during yoga practice is the ability to release tension in the hips and lower back. Lilias explains that many people hold a great deal of tension in these areas, and using a belt can help to gently release that tension and improve overall flexibility.

Throughout the episode, Lilias emphasizes the importance of listening to one's own body and only pushing oneself to a comfortable level. She encourages viewers to use the belt as a tool for support and to not overdo it in any particular pose.

In addition to the focus on using a belt, this episode of Lilias Yoga also incorporates a number of traditional yoga poses, including downward dog, warrior II, and pigeon pose. Each pose is carefully explained and demonstrated, and Lilias provides modifications for those who may have limitations or injuries.

As with all episodes of Lilias Yoga, this episode emphasizes the importance of holistic wellness and the mind-body connection. Lilias encourages viewers to focus on their breath and stay present in the moment throughout their practice.

From start to finish, this episode of Lilias Yoga is a gentle and calming experience that can be enjoyed by practitioners of all levels. Whether you are new to yoga or a seasoned practitioner, the use of a soft belt is a helpful tool to help deepen your practice and improve your overall flexibility. So, this episode is a must-watch for those who want to enhance their yoga practice.

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  • First Aired
    January 1, 1987
  • Runtime
    27 min
  • Language