Magic Caught on Camera Season 1 Episode 1

Ep 1. Magic in the Streets

  • TV-PG
  • April 26, 2020
  • 21 min

Magic Caught on Camera is an American television series that premiered on May 22, 2020, on the Travel Channel. The show features footage of everyday people and magicians performing amazing feats of magic in public places. In season 1 episode 1, titled Magic in the Streets, viewers are taken on a journey through the most magical moments caught by cameras on the streets.

The episode begins with a young magician performing a card trick on the streets of New York City. A group of people gather around him, amazed by his quick hands and up-close tricks. The magician then moves on to a woman who has just finished shopping and asks her to pick any card from the deck. Without even looking at the card, he pulls out a matching card from his jacket pocket, much to the woman's surprise.

Next, the show features a mind-blowing magic trick that takes place in broad daylight in a busy park. A man sits on a bench with a deck of cards, and asks a passerby to take any card they like. He then proceeds to shuffle the deck and hands it back to the person. The magician then instructs them to concentrate hard on their chosen card, and points to a nearby bird perched atop a tree. Suddenly, the bird flies down and plucks the exact card the person had chosen out of thin air.

The episode then moves on to a group of magicians who perform their own version of the classic "sawing a woman in half" trick on a busy street corner. The magician pulls out a saw and asks for a volunteer from the audience. A woman steps up and lies down on a table while he covers her with a sheet. With the help of his assistants, he proceeds to saw her in half, much to the amazement of onlookers. The woman appears unharmed, and the crowd bursts into applause for the incredible feat.

Further along in the episode, viewers are shown a group of street performers who use their incredible acrobatic skills to pull off some amazing tricks. From breakdancing to juggling, these performers use their bodies to defy gravity and entertain passersby on the streets.

One of the most impressive tricks in this episode involves a magician who levitates ten feet in the air on a busy street corner. With a crowd of people gathered around him, the magician sits on a chair and appears to rise into the air, suspended only by his willpower. He then moves his legs and arms around to show that he is not attached to anything, and floats back down to the ground to thunderous applause.

The episode wraps up with a magician who uses a simple deck of cards to perform mind-boggling tricks on unsuspecting passersby. He asks for a volunteer and instructs them to pick any card from the deck. He then proceeds to shuffle the deck and spreads it out in front of the person, telling them to pick out their chosen card. To their amazement, the card is nowhere to be found. But when the magician pulls out his phone and begins to play a video, they see that he had already predicted the card they would choose before they even knew it themselves.

Magic Caught on Camera season 1 episode 1 is a thrilling and captivating look at some of the most incredible magic tricks performed on the streets. From levitation and sawing people in half to mind-reading techniques and card tricks, this episode is sure to leave viewers spellbound and entertained.

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  • First Aired
    April 26, 2020
  • Content Rating
  • Runtime
    21 min
  • Language