Martha Speaks Season 2 Episode 18
Martha Speaks
Season 2

Ep 18. Truman's Mad / Dog for a Day

  • October 13, 2010

Martha Speaks is an animated TV series that follows the adventures of a lovable dog named Martha who gains the ability to speak after eating alphabet soup. Season 2, episode 18 is titled "Truman's Mad / Dog for a Day" and features two separate storylines.

In the first story, "Truman's Mad," Martha's best friend Truman is upset when his mother tells him he can't have a puppy. Truman attempts to hide his disappointment and anger, but Martha can tell that something is bothering him. She tries to cheer him up, but he remains upset. Later, while the two friends are playing catch, Martha accidentally destroys Truman's beloved toy plane. Truman becomes very angry, and Martha feels terrible. However, when Truman sees how upset Martha is, he realizes that he has overreacted and apologizes. The two friends make up, and Martha learns that sometimes it's important to let people be mad and work through their emotions.

In the second story, "Dog for a Day," Martha wins a contest and gets to be "Mayor for a Day." However, she quickly discovers that being in charge is a lot of work and not as much fun as she thought it would be. She decides to delegate some of her duties and assigns them to her friends, including being mayor for their own neighborhoods. She even makes Skits "Dog for a Day" and lets him be in charge of the animal shelter. However, Skits finds being in charge overwhelming and quickly realizes that he doesn't like the responsibility. Martha teaches Skits that it's important to be responsible and follow through on commitments, even when it's hard.

Overall, "Truman's Mad / Dog for a Day" teaches important lessons about emotions, responsibility, and friendship in a fun and engaging way. With its lovable characters and relatable storylines, Martha Speaks is a great show for kids of all ages.

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  • First Aired
    October 13, 2010
  • Language