Mysteries Decoded Season 2 Episode 2

Ep 2. Alien Mountain

  • July 13, 2022

In the second episode of season 2 of Mysteries Decoded, titled "Alien Mountain," investigative journalist and filmmaker Jennifer Marshall sets out to solve one of the country's most intriguing mysteries - the reported presence of extraterrestrial life on Mount Adams, a remote peak in Washington State.

As Marshall begins her investigation, she meets with several individuals who claim to have had personal encounters with aliens on the mountain. One man tells Marshall that while hiking on the mountain, he saw a bright light and then lost consciousness; when he woke up, he was surrounded by a group of small, humanoid beings. Another witness claims to have seen a triangular-shaped craft hovering over the mountain peak.

In addition to these personal accounts, Marshall also examines the physical evidence that has been collected on the mountain over the years. She visits a local researcher who has been studying mysterious symbols that have been found carved into rocks on the mountain, and speaks with a man who has collected strange metallic objects that he believes are of extraterrestrial origin.

Throughout her investigation, Marshall consults with experts in the fields of astronomy, physics, and ufology, seeking to uncover any possible scientific explanations for the phenomena witnessed on Mount Adams. She also explores the history of the mountain and its significance to the Native American community, in the hopes of understanding why this location might be particularly attractive to extraterrestrial visitors.

As she delves deeper into the mystery, Marshall encounters a range of perspectives on the topic of extraterrestrial life, from ardent believers who are certain that the aliens are among us, to skeptical scientists who view the evidence as inconclusive.

In the end, Marshall leaves Mount Adams with more questions than answers, but remains committed to unraveling the truth behind this enigmatic location. The episode offers a fascinating look at the complex and often contradictory world of ufology, and speaks to the human desire to uncover the mysteries of the universe and understand our place within it.

Watch Mysteries Decoded - Alien Mountain (s2 e2) Online - Watch online anytime: Stream, Download
Mysteries Decoded, Season 2 Episode 2, is available to watch free on The CW, CW Seed and stream on The CW. You can also stream, download Mysteries Decoded on demand at online.
  • First Aired
    July 13, 2022
  • Language