Original American Gladiators Collection Season 1 Episode 13

Ep 13. Challenge of Champions

  • TVPG
  • January 1, 1992

In this episode of Original American Gladiators Collection, season 1 episode 13, titled "Challenge of Champions," the competition reaches its peak as the top contenders face off against the elite group of Gladiators. The episode begins with the contestants preparing for the ultimate challenge, as they gear up and psych themselves up for the most intense battles of the season.

The first challenge is the Gauntlet, where the contestants are pitted against a lineup of Gladiators who try to stop them from reaching the end of the course. The Gauntlet is notorious for being one of the toughest challenges in the season, and it lives up to its reputation as the contestants struggle to push past the powerful and agile Gladiators. As each contestant attempts to move through the course, they face an onslaught of heavy blows and tackles, with each Gladiator determined to make their mark.

Next up is Assault, where the contestants face off with the Gladiators in a high-intensity shooting gallery. The contestants must run a gauntlet of obstacles while dodging a hail of fire from the Gladiators' weapons. This challenge requires both accuracy and quick thinking, and the contestants have to be quick on their feet to avoid getting hit. With the Gladiators firing from different angles and levels, this is a fast-paced and thrilling challenge that keeps the viewers on the edge of their seats.

The third challenge is Powerball, a game where speed and agility are prized above all else. The contestants must race past the defending Gladiators and score as many points as possible by throwing the ball into the scoring bin. But the Gladiators are skilled at blocking and tackling, and the contestants soon find themselves struggling to avoid their powerful hits. This challenge requires quick thinking, strength, and the ability to work as a team, and the contestants must bring all of those skills to bear if they hope to emerge victorious.

The final challenge is the Eliminator, an obstacle course that pushes even the most elite athletes to their limits. The contestants must scramble up a cargo net, crawl through tires, and navigate a dizzying series of spinning obstacles, all while the Gladiators pursue them. At the end of the course, the contestants must scale a towering wall before racing to the finish line. This challenge is not for the faint of heart, and the contestants must summon all of their strength and endurance if they hope to emerge victorious.

Throughout the episode, the Gladiators prove to be formidable opponents, using their strength, skill, and cunning to outsmart and outmuscle their competitors. But the contestants are not intimidated, and they fight back with all of their strength and determination, refusing to back down in the face of such formidable adversaries.

In the end, only one contestant can emerge as the ultimate champion, but all of the contestants put up a valiant fight, pushing themselves to their limits and proving that they have what it takes to compete against the best. "Challenge of Champions" is a thrilling and action-packed episode that showcases the best of American Gladiators' athleticism, intensity, and heart.

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  • First Aired
    January 1, 1992
  • Content Rating
  • Language