Sesame Street Season 1 Episode 78
Sesame Street
Season 1

Ep 78. Episode 78

  • February 25, 1970

Alice Cooper visits Sesame Street in Episode 78 of the first season. The iconic rock star spends the day teaching the Sesame Street gang about the letter "V," and how it's essential to the word "vampire." Along the way, Alice shares his love for music and the importance of self-expression.

The episode starts with the Sesame Street gang sitting on the stoop, debating what letter is the best. Susan suggests "S" for "silly," but Gordon asserts that "V" is the coolest letter of them all. Just as they're discussing it, Alice Cooper walks by, and he overhears the conversation. Alice tells the group that they're missing out on the most crucial letter – 'V', and notes that it's his favorite letter too.

Alice decides to spend the day teaching his newfound friends all about the letter "V." The episode is full of musical segments, with Alice singing an original tune, "Vampire Blues," that highlights his love for the letter V in a fun way. Big Bird, Cookie Monster, and Oscar the Grouch also join in with their musical talents, each incorporating the letter V into their performances.

Through fun and engaging segments, Alice explains all the potential uses of the letter V, from vampire to violin. Each time he introduces a new word, the rest of the Sesame Street gang repeats after him, emphasizing the sound of the letter V.

In a segment about the importance of self-expression, Alice stresses the significance of letting our inner selves shine. Alice has always been known for his individuality, and he shares that it's essential to accept others' differences too. The Sesame Street gang learns that it's okay to be unique and express themselves, no matter what others may think.

Of course, no Sesame Street episode is complete without a lesson in kindness. Elmo, who struggles with saying the letter "V," tries his best to keep up with his friends, but he gets discouraged after failing repeatedly. Alice helps Elmo overcome his self-doubt by teaching him that it's okay to make mistakes while learning new things.

Throughout the episode, Alice Cooper emphasizes the importance of being yourself and embracing individuality, which aligns perfectly with the concept of Sesame Street. The cast and Alice Cooper come together in a highly entertaining way, and by the episode's end, everyone on Sesame Street has a newfound love for the letter V.

Overall, Episode 78 of Sesame Street Season 1 is a fun-filled educational experience for children of all ages. By combining music, entertainment, and education, the episode serves up valuable lessons in individuality, self-expression, and kindness. Alice Cooper demonstrates that even a rock star can be a fun and friendly teacher, and with his help, Sesame Street's characters and children everywhere can learn the significance of the letter "V."

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  • First Aired
    February 25, 1970
  • Language