Showtime Specials Season 1 Episode 130

Ep 130. The Death of "Superman Lives": What Happened

In Showtime Specials season 1 episode 130, titled "The Death of 'Superman Lives': What Happened," audiences are taken on a journey behind the scenes of the failed 1990s Superman film project titled "Superman Lives." The documentary explores the project's inception and development, which began with a script by Kevin Smith and was eventually taken over by director Tim Burton and writer Wesley Strick. The film was set to star Nicolas Cage as Superman, a casting choice that was met with controversy at the time.

Through interviews with key players involved in the project, including Smith, Burton, Strick, producer Jon Peters, and costume designer Colleen Atwood, the documentary sheds light on the film's tumultuous production process, which was plagued with budgetary issues, creative differences, and script rewrites. Audience members are given a peek behind the curtain as they watch test footage of Cage in the iconic Superman suit, as well as never-before-seen concept art and behind-the-scenes footage of the set.

"The Death of 'Superman Lives': What Happened" also explores the cultural significance of Superman as a pop culture icon and how his portrayal on the big screen has evolved over the years. The documentary delves into the potential impact that "Superman Lives" could have had on the character's cinematic legacy had it been completed and released, as well as the lasting effect it had on those involved in the project.

Overall, "The Death of 'Superman Lives': What Happened" is a fascinating deep dive into one of cinema's greatest "what ifs" that offers viewers a unique perspective on the film industry and the challenges that come with turning a comic book hero into a big-screen sensation.

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