Sister Wives Season 4 Episode 11
Sister Wives
Season 4

Ep 11. Boy

  • January 1, 1970
  • 44 min

In Sister Wives season 4 episode 11, titled "Boy," the Brown family is preparing for a major life change as Kody and Robyn await the arrival of their first child together. The episode follows the family as they navigate the excitement and uncertainty surrounding the new baby, with particular attention paid to Kody and Robyn's experiences as expectant parents.

As the due date approaches, the family prepares by setting up the nursery and stocking up on baby supplies. Kody expresses his excitement at the prospect of becoming a father again, and Robyn shares her mixed emotions about the childbirth experience, having gone through it before with her previous children.

Meanwhile, the other sister wives also have their own concerns about the new addition to the family. Meri is worried about how the new baby will affect the existing dynamics between the wives and their children, while Janelle expresses her concern about the practical aspects of caring for a newborn in a household with multiple adults and children.

As the due date draws nearer, Kody and Robyn attend birthing classes, where they learn about different pain management techniques and prepare for the arrival of their son. The couple also discusses their plans for a home birth, with Kody expressing his desire to be present for the delivery.

Finally, the day arrives and the family gathers to welcome the new arrival. Kody and Robyn's son is born safely and the family celebrates the new addition to their "plural" family. Throughout the episode, we see raw emotions, fear, and also excitement as the family prepares for the new arrival and the new dynamics it will bring to the family.

Overall, episode 11 of Sister Wives season 4 is a touching look at the emotional ups and downs of preparing for a new baby, especially in a family as unique as the Browns. From concerns about practicality to the joy of bringing a new life into the world, the episode delves into the complexities of modern family life and the unique challenges that come with a plural family dynamic.

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  • First Aired
    January 1, 1970
  • Runtime
    44 min
  • Language