So You Think You Can Dance Season 16 Episode 4

Ep 4. Judges Auditions #4

  • TV14
  • June 24, 2019
  • 7.4  (19)

In So You Think You Can Dance season 16 episode 4, titled "Judges Auditions #4," the competition heats up as dancers from all over the world audition in front of the judges for a chance to compete in the next round. The episode features a wide range of dance styles, from contemporary to ballroom to hip-hop, showcasing the incredible talent and diversity of the contestants.

As always, the judges are looking for more than just technical proficiency - they want to see passion, creativity, and a unique artistic voice in each dancer. Some dancers come prepared with intricate choreography and spectacular acrobatics, while others rely on improvisation and sheer emotional intensity to capture the judges' attention.

Throughout the episode, the judges offer a mix of praise and constructive criticism, encouraging the dancers to push themselves to be even better. Some dancers are given immediate tickets to the next round, while others are asked to work on specific areas of their performance before they can move on.

One of the highlights of the episode is a group of dancers who perform a stunning contemporary piece that draws upon themes of unity, diversity, and empowerment. With flawless synchronicity and powerful emotional expression, the group wows the judges and earns a standing ovation.

Another standout performance comes from a charismatic ballroom dancer who blends classic Latin dance styles with elements of hip-hop and funk. His infectious energy and impressive technical skill leave the judges thoroughly impressed, and he easily earns a spot in the next round.

As always, the judges themselves bring their own unique perspectives and personalities to the show. This episode features a mix of seasoned judges and guest judges, each with their own expertise and opinions. From the elegant ballerina to the dynamic hip-hop choreographer, the judges offer a wide range of feedback and insights that help the dancers improve their craft.

Overall, So You Think You Can Dance season 16 episode 4 is a thrilling showcase of talent, creativity, and passion. With a diverse range of dance styles and personalities, the episode offers something for every viewer, whether you're a die-hard dance fan or simply someone who appreciates the beauty and artistry of movement.

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  • First Aired
    June 24, 2019
  • Content Rating
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    7.4  (19)