Studio C Season 1 Episode 5
Studio C
Season 1

Ep 5. Season 1 Episode 5

  • November 6, 2012

Studio C is a popular sketch comedy show running since 2012. The show is known for its clean and family-friendly content, and its cast of talented comedians. In season 1 episode 5, the audience is treated to an array of hilarious skits and sketches, each with its own punchline and twist.

The episode opens with a sketch titled "The Hungry Games". In this sketch, two competitors are pitted against each other in a game of "who can eat the most food". The catch? The food is obscenely disgusting - think raw quail eggs, pig brains, and durian fruit. The actors playing the competitors do an excellent job at conveying their revulsion at the food, making for some great physical comedy.

Next up is a sketch titled "Furry Jury". In this sketch, a group of jurors reveals that they are secretly furries - people who enjoy dressing up in animal suits. The lawyer presenting the case is visibly uncomfortable as the jurors try to persuade him with their arguments while wearing full animal suits. This sketch is a little more risque than some of the other sketches of the show, but it still maintains its clean humor.

A highlight of the episode is the sketch titled "Top Soccer Shootout Ever With Scott Sterling". This sketch has become a fan favorite over the years, and for good reason. In this sketch, Scott Sterling is a soccer goalkeeper who is seemingly invincible - he manages to save every single ball that comes his way, even if it's shot directly at his face. The sketch features some great physical comedy and over-the-top sound effects, and it's sure to leave the audience in stitches.

Another sketch in this episode is "Thrift Store Family Band". In this sketch, a family comes together to perform a musical number for a talent show. However, their instruments are all thrift store finds, and they're not exactly in great shape. The audience watches as the family struggles to keep the beat, and as each instrument falls apart in their hands. This sketch is a great example of the show's ability to find humor in everyday situations.

One of the final sketches of the episode is "Voicemail Fails". In this sketch, the characters listen to voicemails left by their friends, only to realize that they've been completely misunderstood. The sketch features some great voice acting, as the actors imitate their friends' voices and reactions. It's a relatable sketch that touches on the miscommunications that can happen in modern technology.

The episode ends with a musical number called "Gangsters in Love". In this sketch, a group of gangsters perform a love ballad, complete with romantic gestures and tender moments. The juxtaposition of the tough-guy image of the gangster with the romantic lyrics is a classic comedic setup, and the actors pull it off with ease.

Overall, season 1 episode 5 of Studio C is a great example of the show's humor and talent. The sketches are varied and engaging, and the actors' performances are top-notch. Whether you're a seasoned fan of the show or a newcomer, you're sure to find something to enjoy in this episode.

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  • First Aired
    November 6, 2012
  • Language