Tavis Smiley Season 7 Episode 171
Tavis Smiley
Season 7

Ep 171. Tim Robbins

  • September 21, 2010

Tavis Smiley season 7 episode 171 features Tim Robbins, an acclaimed American actor, director, and producer. Robbins is known for his memorable performances in movies like "The Shawshank Redemption," "Mystic River," and "Bull Durham," among others. He has also directed critically acclaimed films like "Dead Man Walking" and "Bob Roberts."

In this episode, Robbins sits down with Tavis Smiley to discuss his latest film project, "Dark Waters," which focuses on the issue of toxic contamination in America's drinking water. The film is based on a real-life legal battle between a small town in West Virginia and a large chemical corporation that polluted their water supply.

During the interview, Robbins talks about his inspiration for the film and how it sheds light on a little-known but important issue. He also shares his thoughts on the responsibilities of corporations towards the environment and how the legal system can sometimes fail ordinary citizens.

Apart from discussing his latest film, Robbins also talks about his experiences in Hollywood and how he has managed to navigate the industry over the years. He shares stories from his early days as a struggling actor to his breakthrough performances in iconic films. He also talks about the challenges he faced as a director and producer, particularly when trying to bring his unique vision to the big screen.

Throughout the interview, Robbins comes across as a passionate and articulate artist who is deeply committed to using his craft to make a positive impact on the world. He shares his insights on issues like politics, social justice, and environmentalism, and how he tries to use his platform to raise awareness on these important topics.

In addition to his film work, Robbins also talks about his involvement in various social and cultural causes, including his work with the Actors Gang, a theater company he co-founded in Los Angeles. He talks about how theater can have a transformative effect on people's lives and how it has played a crucial role in his own development as an artist.

Overall, this episode of Tavis Smiley features a fascinating conversation with one of the most talented and socially-conscious actors of our time. Robbins' insights and stories provide a rare glimpse into the inner workings of Hollywood and the creative process behind some of its most iconic stories. Whether you are a fan of his movies or simply interested in the role of art in society, this episode is sure to be an engaging and thought-provoking watch.

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  • First Aired
    September 21, 2010
  • Language